Bishonen Knife

Recently I was listening to Pandora while walking past a Rite Aid, and a commercial came on: 'Hey! It's flu season. Why not go to your local Rite Aid and get a flu shot?"

My better half is a programmer who actually turned down a job offer from Facebook because the idea of knowing what they do with all our information (let alone helping to find better ways of getting the information out of us) was too horrifying.

Yup. It is pretty hard to convey to people nowadays that not only did Marx consider some form of socialism the logical endgame to what he saw around him, but society at large considered it a serious possibility. It was a possibility. Organizations like the Fabian Society sat down and said "Seriously, how do we make

But isn't that exactly what this season of South Park is saying? That when it comes down to it, Mr Garrison's Where My Country Gone? bullheadedness and being required to regard Caitlyn Jenner as 'stunning and brave' are exactly the same traits playing out on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

On top of everything else, PC Principal is a great piece of character design. Right down to the way his voice fuzzes up when he holds the microphone too close to his face.

Ten Reasons South Park Should Name The Supervillain 'Taboola' (#7 Will Make You Cry With Laughter!)

Has South Park ever won a Peabody? 2016 could be their year.

I freaking love Jimmy being the Woodward and Bernstein of the whole thing.

I used to work at a media monitoring company, and believe me, you have no idea how much 'news' is just a regurgitated press release.

Dustin Diamond's … nope, I don't want to finish that title.

Wait, didn't we get told when George Barris died the other day that he designed the Griswold Family Truckster?

The third movie will just be Charlize Theron yelling and stamping around in a series of ever more fantastical and sumptuous gowns.

This reminds me of my days living on the East Coast in a crazy Greek lady's basement. I could make dinner and watch TV in the same room because I didn't have any choice, I lived in one big room. Ah, those weren't the days.

Sorry, but 'Everybody Wants Some' will always mean one thing and one thing only: that weird clay animation sequence that comes out of nowhere in Better Off Dead.

I want to see Muppets based on both of these people. Also, I want Muppet Dave Grohl to compete against Animal in a drum solo faceoff.

To everyone who is going to be making jokes about #winning and tiger blood today - congratulations for celebrating the fact that a fellow human being caught a terrible disease.

This is why I never read the back cover of a novel I'm planning to read. Even if it's the most profound book ever written, the summary inevitably makes it sound completely trite and formulaic.

The Breakable Kimmy Schmidt

What gets lost in the hate for the finale is the fact the final season's real-time structure was also a horrible, horrible misstep.

Or out in the suburbs, where you can pay almost as much as a Manhattan broom closet for the privilege of living in the basement of a slightly crazy lady Greek lady in White Plains who uses your freezer to store her own frozen pizza, and arbitrarily raises the rent every few months because 'electricity's getting so