Bishonen Knife

The one set to Night on Bald Mountain? That is still legitimately freaky.

I don't know whether it was the lo-fi production values, but I agree - there was something kind of creepy about the whole show.

There was a rumour going around a few months ago that they're going to build a new and better BTTF ride. I can't believe they tore out that and left Twister, because we all know what a classic and enduring masterpiece that film was.

In a world where Universal not only ripped out the BTTF ride years ago, but recently tore down an actual historic soundstage dating from the silent era to build crappy rides, your hatred is more than reasonable.

He is the late night television equivalent of white bread. Goes down easy, fills you up briefly, doesn't sit heavily, loaded with more sugar than you care to contemplate. That level of comfortable mediocrity seems to be plenty for most folks. God knows why.

My brother was right next Jaws when he popped up out of the water, and we've got a great picture of him in the process of losing his shit. Sure, you could look back afterwards and see that it was a robot, but who cared? It was awesome.

You might also have asked 'Who is handling it?'

In this day and age, where pretty much everything can be found on YouTube, I've never been able to locate the number one creepiest thing I ever saw as a kid.

And that moment is …?

The Amazon advertisement linked from this article tells me that Faygo now has a flavor called 'Rock and Rye'. I have to assume this attempts to replicate the taste of cheap off-brand cola washing down cheap off-brand whiskey in a 7-11 parking lot at 3am when you're sixteen.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Right? Who should we get to play Penny, a pudgy, white, tattooed punk? I know - a skinny, hot Indian guy!

I can't think one myself. Guess I'll just butt out.

"Miss Hoover, aren't Watch This and Great Job, Internet! just pointless busywork?"
"Bullseye. Get cracking."

It was something I actually found refreshing about the series: yes, they have incredible powers, but no, this does not make them flawlessly wonderful super-people, or even particularly happy.

"Holy shit, I'm doing this!"

Well, that was one person's opinion of the third book. I disagree with it entirely. I thought it rounded off the series pretty well.

What. The. Fuck?

I'm in Portland, and honestly felt that the episode had to be about Portland. There's even been fights here over bringing New Seasons (local equivalent of Whole Foods, though we have those too) into certain neighbourhoods because it's such a harbinger of imminent gentrification.

"Great! The music of my grandparents' generation played by the stars of my parents' generation!" - Kids today