
I think there have been many great moments this year, but none that I would say could really stand up to my all time favorites. The year is young, though. CBB always delivers.

He is an oddball, but I love his podcast and his general outlook on life.

I download that "My Boo" song as soon as I got home. I had forgotten it even existed.

I haven't listened to all the episodes to know that. I'd say he's on about as much as he contributed to Who Charted. I'm pretty sure he was in the Howard Kremer episode and he was definitely in the one with Yvette Nicole Brown. They used that episode to announce a new special or segment called Dates With Dustin. This

CBB took the week for me, but I can't forget to mention the others that I enjoyed.

I don't remember what context that was brought up during the interview…did she say that was false? What I've read is doctors told him at some point that his right leg would have to be amputated due to damage done from heroin injections, but they managed to save it.

Kyle's Gamestop story was hilarious. And his oblivion about Redbox. Aaron's suggestion practically blew his mind.
I love any episode with "Name that Punky". I hope they do manage to get Soleil Moon Frye as a guest. That would be ridiculous.

CBB was really on it's game this week. Two great episodes, and announcements for more Analyze Phish/Fish AND Farts and Procreation? I feel bad that I didn't get them anything.

Dunham was boring because she and Garlin just kept kissing each other's butts the whole time. I like Girls as well, but I've learned I can't stand her in interviews.

In the beginning, yeah, she was a little harsh to her callers. She's gotten a lot better about a lot of that. I think, by now, people should know what's expected of them if they're going to call in. If they don't bring something to the conversation, they're gonna get hung up on. When she gets people with good energy

I think you just need to reassess your definition of what constitutes rape. It was against his will, so it was rape. Acting like he enjoyed it was just for show for his dad. If he hadn't, he and Ian would probably be dead.

Lip hasn't exactly been faithful and honest with Mandy in their relationship. They started out as more or less fuck buddies, but she was determined to make it a real relationship. That worked for him when he wanted that, but Karen was always in the back of his mind. I wasn't surprised that Mandy would be obsessive and

Did you miss an episode or is this a serious question? His dad forced him to have sex with a woman after he found him with Ian.

I tracked down who he was and sort of got spoiled on future episodes. Oh well.

I knew as soon as she got that text that something bad was going to happen to her. The car was a surprise. I figured she'd get jumped in the park or something. Karen getting hit was deserved.  She's just the worst. I felt pretty bad for Sheila, though, after her attempts to repair their damaged relationship.

Steve didn't decide he wanted to become and EMT. He wouldn't have to go all the way to the University of Michigan for that. He wanted to become an Emergency Medical doctor, because it's a rush and less school than a surgeon. The ambulance was just the inspiration.

That episode has become a new holiday tradition for me. Every year, around Thanksgiving, it makes repeated appearances in my playlists. The xmas specials, too. I do the same around Halloween with those theme episodes. They're like Charlie Brown Specials with dick jokes.

Will the streak of pure awesome that Stop Podcasting Yourself has been on ever end? I hope not, because it's been great. Keep up the good work, fellas!

I didn't mind Dave's Dollop, but I hope he pulls in some buddies to riff with in the meantime. I like when he goes on his rants, but it's even more fun when he has someone to play against. Kinane, Posehn, Maron, Kremer…but I hope Behrendt comes back soon.

I wish Cera did more CBB episodes. He's part of one of my favorites, the black friday episode from CDR/CBB's first year, and he always chimes in with some great lines. I don't mind it when guests stay kind of quiet during a show if they're just waiting for a chance for a good zinger.