
@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus They were my favorite of the panelists to appear on that show so far. I loved that Shaal's defense for her tweet was to slap Jeselnik across the face.

I always like the engineers as background characters of shows. Both Doug and Dustin's names came up on Earwolf shows recently and I actually tried to find out what happened to both of them. Doug's leaving seems to have been for less idealistic reasons. I don't even remember what prompted me to search Dustin's name in

Agreed. I think she's one of the best guests they've had.

I really liked the one they did where the used clips of Katt Williams meltdowns as inspiration (Ep. 58). I'd given up on the show, and I gave it a second chance with that episode. Now it's one of my most looked forward to each week.

Ben Schwartz, Brody Stevens, Dave Anthony, Kyle Kinane, Scott Aukerman, Bob Odenkirk, Chris Fairbanks, Nick Kroll, Moshe Kasher. Those are my favorites, other than the ones you listed and the man, the legend, Harris Wittels.

You're welcome! I found that interview. My random itunes search paid off. The only Feral show I was listening to before was Call Chelsea, but I've been trying out others, including Harmontown. The discussions that occurred over my original post also pointed me to All Things Comedy, who share a similar ideology to

I haven't watched The Burn. I don't even really have a problem with Ross. I just didn't care when his show came on, so I never bothered with it. Which also means I don't have a way to compare it to Jeselnik's show.

Death Squad is another network, but he wasn't referring to that in the interview. I re-listened to it to make sure. I thought the same thing when I read @avclub-94ef9157743625ab3b6b7859b87f831f:disqus 's comment.

What I got from that interview is he started at Earwolf as a superfan, but became disillusioned by how they ran their business. He seems to be a very idealistic, DIY type dude (I think Scott even cracked jokes about that on CBB). Maybe he thought Earwolf was getting too big for their britches? Earwolf's goals are

He made a comment in the interview that "All Things Comedy" was based from his model. Funny enough, the shows I could name that I can remember making specific comments against networks have since joined ATC. Walking the Room and The Champs. Walking the Room was involved in the Earwolf Challenge series, so they're the

It clarified a lot of the grumblings I've heard on other podcasts about the evils of networks. I'm sure Earwolf isn't the only one that has these practices, but it did make me want to throw some support towards Feral.

I commented about this last week, but it was so late, I doubt anyone read it. There's an interview with Dustin Marshall (aka Engineer Dustin, formerly of Earwolf) on a show called The Podcast Cast that's a good listen. He goes into why he left Earwolf and starting up his own podcasting network.

Of all of Kroll's new characters, C-Czar is my favorite. The best toilet baby in tv.

This is a late addition, so I'll probably recommend it again in next week's podmass. There's an interview with Dustin Marshall (aka Engineer Dustin formerly of Earwolf, currently of Feral Audio) on a show called The Podcast Cast that went up Tuesday. I was curious as to what happened with him and whether there was a

I'd delayed listening to this week's Professor Blastoff because it was another live episode. The last few live episodes have been kind of messes, so I decided to save it for the weekend when I didn't have any other shows to catch up on. Now I wish I hadn't because it was a fun one. The gang got to tour Skywalker

Too many technical difficulties and too many dudes calling in…kind of ruined the usual fun of the show. It was still fun, but definitely didn't live up to expectations. Maybe Scott will come back another time when they've worked out the glitches.

I know Maron's lady is a fan of UYD. He has been a guest on shows that she likes, or had the hosts of shows that she likes as guests on WTF, so it's a good possibility.

So, is The Jeselnik Offensive not going to get a write up? I was kind of dreading it, knowing what his standup was like and wondering how that would translate into a show, but I actually thought it was pretty hilarious. The format that he's using is sort of a mishmash of the Daily Show and Chelsea Lately, which is a

I knew when I saw the guest was someone I didn't recognize that I probably wasn't going to dig that episode. I ended up listening to it to fall asleep to. Worked like a charm.

Once upon a time, Podmass covered Stop Podcasting Yourself. Now they don't, and that's a damn shame because they've been my favorite each week for about 4 weeks now, and that's a pretty good run.  This week was the always amazing Paul F. Tompkins. I always look forward to PFT's appearances with the Dave and Graham