
Really? Scovel's usually great, just as they described. I actually thought the other two were a little grating. Mira can be annoying at times, and the other guy didn't seem to be landing any jokes. But then I didn't listen to that episode that closely.

They need to pick up Jonah Raydio…it's consistently fun, even if I don't really know the guest.  I almost flipped when they were talking about doing a split episode on this week's show, and they mentioned my recommendation to have to Walking the Room dudes on. I hope that happens. It will be nonstop jabs and bullshit

That was meant sarcastically. 

Here's when I realized that MIA was a huge asshole. I'm going to say right now, this is really stupid. Way back in the days of myspace, and early in MIA's career (I think I'd found Arular early on thanks to Feist's recommendation in an interview or something), I friend requested her and got rejected. I didn't even

That's not my dad, that's a cell phone!!

I didn't even need the credits for that. It was definitely Agee.

Where the hell do you buy the new Major Lazer album? I've checked all sites and nada. What gives? 

I applaud the person that chooses the songs for the dance numbers since they're always surprising tracks I wouldn't expect to hear on an ABC Family show. This week it was "I Predict" by Sparks. Love it.

I was starting to think no one else had noticed. I was distracted the rest of that scene looking for other band members. I would not have minded a Chris Tomson cameo.

I agree with you. I've listened to that episode a whole lotta times.

He doesn't really bother me. He has his moments. He's usually the only one who's interested in staying on topic (not that that's important). Maybe they do need to do that Oscar episode with Doug Benson. Benson wrangles Huntsberger on DLM like Tig wrangles Aaron on PB.

D'oh, you beat me to it! For the most part I've liked all of the episodes of Jonah Raydio. The standouts are Nick Thorburn and Lance Bangs. There should be a podcast mashup with Walking the Room and Jonah Raydio. I think that would be a good'un.

After hearing his interview on WTF, I wasn't expecting much from Pierson on DLM (he seemed nice enough on there but, like most WTF interviews with well adjusted people, Maron kept trying to dig for a dark side that wasn't there), but he was pretty great throughout.

Two shows that were my favorites for the week but didn't get a mention were Stop Podcasting Yourself with guest Jon Dore and Jonah Raydio with guest Marc Maron.

I hope they actually follow through and start doing Analyze Phish with Harris and Howard. They really shouldn't just stop the premise because Biscotti couldn't get into it.

This show just got Voltaggio'd

I knew when I saw that he was going to be the guest it was going to be good. It was actually better than I expected. Too $hort had a good sense of humor that paired well with The Champs gang. Now they need to get E-40 on.

I want to think that would be a great one…I've also heard he's an ass. I think it was Scott Aukerman who talked about going to see him in a Q&A thing and he was a disappointing jerk. But I'd still be curious to hear him with Maron.

@avclub-a93a879594c13c12a83fd45ab289a022:disqus Those were my thoughts exactly. I actually hope Mooney goes on The Champs since he has a longer history with Brennan.

Oooooh. Good one. I was also thinking Bob Newhart.