
Before the video even started…
I KNEW Dolph Lundgren was going to be in there. Any time there's a random assortment of "celebrities", he's always there.


The full set
The entire set of those Return of the Jedi glasses are on top of my dresser. I'm fucked.





is just BARELY passable, but still easily the best Predator OR Alien related thing to make it to the silver screen in well over a decade.

After this and Artie Lange, we can officially say Howard Stern is suicide bait.

I've actually seen this error pop up a lot in various media outlets. It's like we've all silently agreed to just pretend that what should have happened actually happened.


One of my favorites
I loved seeing this a few years back at the 12-Hour Sci-Fi Fest at the Music Box in Chicago. Mary Woronov was there and getting to see it in a theater, especially one like the music box, was awesome.

Saurkraut Sandich
Paul Rust was also one of the Inglorious Basterds, so there's that too.

The worst part about the Funny People meltdown is how it slowly creeps up on you until you're sitting there in your movie theater seat praying that it'll end. Praying that Adam Sandler would just listen to Seth Rogen and leave.

In terms of the ending monologue
My answer to this Q&A would have to be An Education. It's another film for that pile of "I feel like I would have loved it, instead of just liking" that the answers of the staff had.

These fucking terms
Things like "facebook campaign" and "grassroots internet campaign" need to be eradicated from the language and the news sphere. Ever since the Betty white thing, these stupid facebook groups are getting ridiculous levels of coverage.

back off

These are going to be really awkward, since there will only be about four people at each protest.

Superman Returns suffered from being "too reverent". I appreciate that Singer was attempting to tie it to the two good Superman films, and the music was awesome, but he really should have done his own thing with the franchise.

I'm going to go back to just posting "fuck". It was so much easier.