Caulk of the Wok

FOX the last bastion of quality television! God bless you little logo!

But i'm not really that good at murder, i could use some help.

They just run into chicks ont he street and cop a feel then go "Oops, didn't see you there"

Also the last 30 minutes or so were amazingly gratifying. I kept yelling who i wanted to die at teh screen and then BAM they hit them with a car! Laugh Riot.

I went to go see Hostel specifically to see people get killed in fucked up ways. It's awesome. I never get to see people killed in fucked up ways in real life and in real life there are consequences of that. Perhaps it's voyeristic, but it' a good time.

That is a perfect description. And now to steal it! Thank you sir.

I like it very much!

Leave Betty White out of this, she was Awesoe in Lake Placcid.

@Frito see that just makes it sound like it's gonna be a Mr T werewolf.

They were paid?

I dont' like the books or the ans of them over the age of 16, but it is a pity thy're gettign fleeced.

A freidn of mine recommended his book to me recently. I haven't forgiven him yet.

Well kudos to you Perfect Tommy, I don't think haberdasher even appears in my phone book.

I'm not your buddy, guy.

Homey leads to cousin,
cousin leads to brah,
bra leas to su-urf-fing

This is just depressing.

I wish hats would come back into fashion beyond trucker hats and the god damn quasifedoras you see stacked 17 deep on department store shelfs just so you can be sure there are 10 other fuckers out there with the same bad taste as you.

When did the show first air? I've always useda metric of 6 months passed realease and it's fair game.

What the fuck is a Superfinger? (Tm) I thought they were trying to build some kind of tag team shocker.

My ex took me to se Dunham when he was in town, it was aweful. It was in july and we got to enjoy a whole bunch of jokes he was writing for his christmas special. Which was kind of nice since eery other joke he told i'd herd twice in his comedy specials already.