Caulk of the Wok

Did you do a book report on Taft, or are you jsut a presidentail tub trivia kind of guy?

The word recessionista just killed me inside. I really wish you were lying.

Your a liar and a fraud Tony Little! The REAL Tony Little would have t least 15 more exclamation points in that post!

It's not disdain! I really would have liked this show to go on, i don't care about it really, but i know there would have been at least one major web-swinging mechanical failure horror show to enjoy.

I'm sad this show's nto gonna make it becasue i wanted to see the youtube clips of when spidy's rigging fails and his big swing entence in act 3 ends with him crashing into the set, shitting his pants and then landing on the actress playing Gwen Stacy breaking her neck.

I'll let you touch my hump for a dollar

A hand mouthjob not so much.

Altho licking food off my fingers just got a lot more exciting.

If my dands were pussy it wouldn't change our relationship one bit.


World War Z is an amazing book.

White people be all crazy like this, native american people be all crazy horse.

Why the fuck would you marry someone who won't blow you?

Does Cops count?

Since when did you have to be funny? Take yourself for example.


Get off my fuckin' ice!

Fat people are harder to kidnap!

Have you guys ever tried a famous bowl? Them shits is delicous.

Ha, i thik that is the perfect description.