Caulk of the Wok

I haven't listened yet so i dont' knwo if they go into it, but it's not just the Duggars, there is a whole "quiverfull" movement. There are many people out there just pumping out kids as fast as they can.

That is the name. They thought it was funny.

It's not bettern than a ten inch dick wearing a hat tho.

Does it still hae a Jesus on it? Would you be riding on his buckin' crotch?

But he showed us skateboarding is not a crime against god.

Couldn't we just make "Thatcherian" a word starting now? Look how many times it's been used in these posts. The revolution has started! Everybody do the wave!!

That's where the devil keeps his face.

You see the knife is good for slicin' and dicin', but not for pointing at me, the cozz. what you need to do is get yourself a spoon and put it in some jello pu-ding.


The charecter was originally named "Tony" but he couldn't remember that.

+20 internets

I'm waiting for the swat Cats movie

Body massage machine!

Ok I'm officially now on board with The Hulkster.

Walk Hardis absolutely hilarious.

These stories are boring. They need more explosions.

My favorite thing about these is if the car's liscensce plate is a prime number you know it's a trap.

If your talking about the Duggar (Sp?) then i think they had 18 kids or whatever becasue they're part of the quiverfull movement.

4 ambien is the standard training regimen for Somnascar.

This concept of wub confuses and angers me!