Caulk of the Wok

Being pretend married to a fat ugywill do that.

I don't like peeps becasue when I was first exposed to them (i was about 6-8) I had seen Highlander the night before easter and decapited all the Peeps yelling "there can be only one!" each time. I collected the heads in a plastic easter egg and presented them to my Grandmother- who made me eat all of them. Not jsut

I enjoy that they break it down, in this scene it's a cigarrete, in that one a cigar and the listing of an "extra" smoking a pipe.

Excepting Alice.

I believe he merely travels at nearly the speed of light at all times.

I admire your deidcation Alcing

The other day i saw a midget and I was trying to think of waht the "correct" term for them was. I couldn't think of what it was and only came up with "Master Blasters"

Would there be ads for guns and knives instad of X-ray specs in that comic?

I watch the intro to this show whever its on becasue the car is sexy. I wish they would show more of the car.

Can someone explain the term "anti-comedy"? Fromthe boards one would assume thismovie is really funny, where's the "anti-" part?

Can we talk about what we ate?

I seem to recall there was a Hess truck that was towing the space shuttle.

Their high school football team RULES!!!

Riff- just go to your local library. Suprisingly enough the ones around me usually have trades somewhere in their network sometimes it takes awhile to get them in.

"Michael jackson missed his calling, if he'd become a catholic priest he could of been blowing little boys for fourty years and no one would have said a fucking word" - George Carlin

So i wonder if it's going to cotiue that way, in forty years will he begin to like modern(now) comics?

I don't care about it's fashion but i feel a burning need to be updated on all things Malvin.

And i hope when they do bring back Cap (which i'm cetain they will) i think he should start using a gun too. He needs to rep america for real by shooting people in the face.

I'm pretty sure it was Cap and then batman.

Thanks Mongo! You ahve a good one too.