mind grapes

Seems excessive
What does a socialist need $110 million dollars for?

I think this is the only time I've seen not pissing in each other's mouths count against someone.

There's not that much fuss, it's just weed. Ditto on the mad men cigarette cravings. I'm "buy a pack every now and then" college smoker and every time I see mad men I'm buying a pack.

Love this game
Just wish my roommate wasn't hogging it for 6 hours at a time.

This seems like a good idea.
Idol's audience won't want to sit through Stern, and Stern's audience won't want to sit through Idol.

That was my problem when I saw it too. Sure they can travel through space and build giant robots, but they can't make a cruise missile with a nuclear warhead?

His comment may be excusable, because he could have already read it on /film three weeks ago.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the person who said Rockwell is a bad lead is trolling and just wanted a bunch of people to say moon.

Or maybe we could have a conversation about the topic at hand. Haha just kidding.


Bad Review
Slashfilm loved this one, hadn't heard anything bad about it before this.

If they released a Hulu equivalent of the Roku box and had full libraries of all their shows this would be able to compete with a cable subscription, and I would consider paying for it. But they won't, and I'll go back to surfthechannel.

Sharing the Bromst love.

phew, thanks for restoring faith in my major mexican blade runner.

I got your back mcplanner. I thought that the only way they could do that would be to dole out shares of the total increase in payroll.


No one is gonna mention Human Giant? I love that show.

So this doesn't have Chris Farley?


I don't know what you're complaining about, at least in Gondry's you have a hairline.