
Hurray for being late to the party!

I think one of the biggest issues is about entitlement which I often think is the biggest issue when it comes to pop culture as well as pretty much everything else in modern (and wealthy) societies. It's my right to be annoyed! You're infringing on my rights by not giving me that right! Fascist! Etc.

I think one of the biggest issues is about entitlement which I often think is the biggest issue when it comes to pop culture as well as pretty much everything else in modern (and wealthy) societies. It's my right to be annoyed! You're infringing on my rights by not giving me that right! Fascist! Etc.

Gigs are great for this kind of thing, aren't they? The first thing that springs to mind is watching the Shins play at one of my favourite London venues, Koko. It was a strange night as it also happened to be when the team I support was in the final of the Champions League, a game they would end up losing (which we

Gigs are great for this kind of thing, aren't they? The first thing that springs to mind is watching the Shins play at one of my favourite London venues, Koko. It was a strange night as it also happened to be when the team I support was in the final of the Champions League, a game they would end up losing (which we

Interesting stuff. In the sector I work in - charities and non-profits - there's pretty strong management theory that suggests the natural lifespan of chief executives at the head of organisations, from their creation through to sustainability as a going concern. There are the creators, the initiators, to start off

Interesting stuff. In the sector I work in - charities and non-profits - there's pretty strong management theory that suggests the natural lifespan of chief executives at the head of organisations, from their creation through to sustainability as a going concern. There are the creators, the initiators, to start off

Might this Bond song be more to your liking?

Might this Bond song be more to your liking?

I tried to read it in Boyd's voice, but then realised that it would take me about three hours to finish reading it.

Seconded. Didn't/don't intend to prioritise this film but really glad and interested to read more about it…

Brilliant television. I rewatched it last year, for the first time since it was shown on British TV, and I was reminded and astounded at just how rounded it is, with such a great cast, strong writing taut direction. There can be a lot of overly pretentious or self-conscious British TV but this hit just the right note.

"Obviously everybody has something to say. I’m a believer that everything’s been said, but not everyone has said it."

The Incredible Sulk
Great topic.

Any correlation?
Yea for Out of Gas, yea for 17 People - two of my favourite episodes from two of my favourite shows of all time. Which makes me wonder - is there a correlation between how well a tv show manages its bottle episodes and how much I like it?

Ah, the regrets we have
Jeff Tweedy solo at the Shepherds Bush Empire in 2005, back when I lived just round the corner (thought it was too expensive). Given how much of a Wilco fan I am and how charismatic Tweedy is, it's still a mystery why I should've chosen not to go.

Double negatives
Part two has one of my favourite West Wing lines of all time, simply because I just can't understand why Sorkin decided to write it - nor can I work out exactly what it means:

No owner of the ferocious beast
Meathook from the Secret of Monkey Island was the first character that popped up in my head. How many of characters can lay claim to having an animated skull tattoo that can be used as part of a ventriloquist's trick?

Best pre-credits line ever?
I very much enjoyed the arguably deliberately subversive lack of witticism before the credits - it was a really neat touch, a very British, deadpan approach which neatly mirrored the downbeat end of the previous episode; reminding us of the real world in which Rory still lived.

My first thought was…
of the Royal Tenenbaums. No-one actually has cancer in it, of course, but the events in it are partly driven by Royal saying that he's dying of it. Without it he would never have been allowed back in the Tenenbaum household and subsequently most of the film wouldn't have happened… does that count?