
That's the one. I'm particularly amused by the haircut set-up - to think that he needed the support of his nephew, Jon Favreau and RDJr to finally brave the event. I like that he's clearly aware enough of the absurdity of the world he operates in to be willing to undermine his persona in such a way.

Take a photo, it'll last longer…
I remember, shortly after seeing Iron Man, looking up Jeff Bridges' website where he'd posted a number of photos that he'd taken on the set of the film. The photos were great, of him, Robert Downey Jr, Jon Favreau, etc - and accompanied by notes and comments it revealed an incredibly

Well, I laughed
Part of the joy of TV Club is that someone else has to watch things so that we don't have to, surely? From where I'm standing - I doubt I'll ever physically have the opportunity to watch Jersey Shore - it's entertaining enough for me to read Nathan's account of the show. Carry on…

Sunk without a trace
I have to say, I vaguely took notice of this show when it was being advertised, but failed to watch it or in fact have any clue as to what it was about or where it was going. It didn't really seem to be playing to British television's strength so found it very easy to ignore.

Standards of criticism
Ah, the perils of coming to the discussion late in the day. Somebody's probably already said this, but I think I'm just a bit surprised by the standards to which this film is being held. Deconstructing what was essentially a summer blockbuster seems a bit harsh and, well, kind of besides the

A sign of a good show…
… is that I enjoy 'hanging out' with them - and that was the case with this episode. It's just fun to see how they're getting on, and that has as much to do with the ensemble as the writing. It's easy to believe that their world exists, although I'm not entirely sure why, and so it's a pleasure

Where's the arc?
I've been enjoying Castle through the first and second season, but I must confess that the thing I was most looking forward to when the second season came round was some kind of continuation of the search into Beckett's mother's death. There's been absolutely nothing since the first episode, though -

age in women and men
This has probably been said before in the comments but i still feel compelled to mention it and I can't find the time to read through what everyone has written…

Downloadable songs…
… I don't think any match Carol Brown; and peculiarly, the songs that I enjoy tend to come in twos (so, Too Many Dicks, Prostitute and Sugalumps)…

It's just occurred to me…
… while listening to a song on Noble Beast, that I can completely relate to what Noel is saying. In the case of Andrew Bird, I fell in love with Mysterious Production of Eggs and so it's harder to appreciate the direction in which he's going, even though I'm beginning to appreciate Noble