
I thought they were going to take the seduction scene (and their conversation about it) from last week and use that to turn everything around: Marilyn seduced everyone to the point where they thought that's all she was, so when she tried to break away from that, everyone thought she was nothing.

You've described exactly my problem with Jimmy: I hate him and want him to fail. (Kyle, on the other hand, is adorable and hard-working and deserves success. DECISIONS.) I also think Hit List sounds kind of dumb, but maybe that's because I thought it was a magical realism thing and then it turned out that wasn't their

He wasn't ACTUALLY faking being in the army, but the reviewer (and I, to be honest) thought he was.

I also loved that her "sex book" was Judy Blume.

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus Do you really not see the difference between one nine-year-old calling another a name on the playground and an authority figure calling a nine-year-old a name in print to five million people? This isn't even remotely comparable to schoolyard name-calling.

I loved this episode. Between that hilarious sex-ed montage wherein the girls are innocent, practical, and determined, and Michelle's amazing audition, this was one of my favorites this half-season. And oh, Ginny, girl, I want to hug you. You deserve better than that! (But also, Frankie is really hot, so I get it.) I

And Andy & April's reactions to it! Amazing.

Donna, of course, with the most exciting.

Especially since that followed Leslie asking the Parks employees to use their work time to come up with jokes about the Pawnee Sun.

I just rewatched Road Trip, so I'm advocating for that one as well.

Ok, I'm actually really annoyed that the song with Scarlett & Gunnar's new band isn't available on iTunes. I went looking! For the first time!

Raina gets all the awesome guitar guys!

While I enjoyed the Chicago stuff more, I also felt like this was the first episode where Scarlett came into her own. She was rocking that gig, even if no one at the bar wanted to pay attention; she was snarky and jokey; she did things and demanded things all on her own. But when Avery comes back into the picture, she

(My work computer is logged in using Twitter while my home computer won't do that anymore, so: sorry for the awkwardness of different accounts!)

Nope, you're thinking of Trader Joe's.

I had so much hope for Branson's plotlines in season 1. That was such an important, dramatic time in Ireland's history, and it would've been so interesting had they had any idea of how to use it. I was pretty excited to see it actually come into play this episode, but I don't think they're going to handle it well.

Aw, that conversation made me flash back to last week: "Useful spinsters get up for breakfast." Poor Edith. :(

I have no idea how they're going to make that plotline interesting, but it feels like real people, for once. Matthew is both an investor and the heir: he SHOULD be taking an interest in how the estate is run. Robert is more interested in the surface function of the estate than the actual financial necessities, as seen

I think you want to be watching a different show.

Well, let's be honest here: Sybil didn't just shack up with the first " slightly rebellious humanoid" that came by, she picked a REALLY VERY ATTRACTIVE one. I was done with him as a character after season 2, but I still enjoy looking at (and listening to) the actor.