
Different strokes I guess.

Oh yeah minivans too I guess. I'm one of those luddites who still listens to music in the car.

"i'm just opposed to giving the entertainment industry any more money as they bounce around from one technology standard to another. fuck them. "

The reason Disney packages DVD version in with their Blu-Rays
Is so kids have a copy they can take with them to grandma's house.

is firefly the show about robots from the future that invade the old west or something?

True, I'm not Brittney Spears so I've never performed onstage with them or anything.

Now all we need
is for the rest of the band to quit too.

The Aristocrats!

ha ha ha. Every time I get a student loan bill I have to think long and hard about how attached to this kid I really am.

I am pretty sure the real Sir Mix-a-Lot would not use an apostrophe so egregiously.

Yeah I just did a google image search and I must have been thinking of somebody else . . . I could have sworn I saw a picture of her a year or two ago where she had these little grapefruits stuck in her shirt. Who knows.

My kid is cute. People tell me I should look into modeling for her.
Everybody thinks this kind of shit when they see especially cute kids (which mine is, by the way).

Apparently the woman with hideous fake breasts has a problem with singing about prostitutes.

That is all

Azazel is especially cheap because he doesn't need to block, even while he is attacking, your attacks are blocked like 90% of the time. Essentially the computer has to "let" you win, he can be blocking during absolutely any animation.

There needs to be more Dr. Bosconovitch up in this shit. Why on earth has he been absent from the series for so long? Instead we get his stupid anime-droid Xenogears casting reject daughter?

How the hell did Vampires become tragically beautiful teenage fuckwads?

Hey alright! Frank Black and Sleater Kinney! Now I know who stole my MP3 player.

"I don't know what it is about Deb but I have this equal fixation/repulsion thing going on with her. "

E. coli is transferred from the surface of the meat into the center of a burger by grinding it it up.