Frank Dracman

Here Come the Warm Jets and Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) are the tits.

I'm not a fan of this show…
…but they do have pretty decent music supervisors who throw in some oddball shit that you wouldn't hear anywhere else. My wife watches it, while I sort of half pay attention to it and enjoy the eye candy. This episode, in the scene where Ari was pissed off at that chick who left, I was

You know what's even gayer than China Mieville? Someone saying "soooooo gay."

R.I.P. you magnificent bastard
After Mitch Miller died, I couldn't imagine giving less of a shit about a celebrity death. How wrong I was.

I'm surprised Heller hasn't come to steampunk's defense. With respect to Sheltie, saying that only half of it is crap is being generous, but I still love the genre as well. I like how China Mieville handles it; he doesn't make a "thing" of it, it's just sort of incorporated into the fantasy world he creates.

I don't get it
So she's fucking Justin Guarini?

After the show I'm selling t-shirts. They don't have my name on them or anything, they're just Hanes 3 -packs.

I did a movie with Peter Frampton. He's a musical genius, but I don't listen to his stuff. So I had to continuously try to draw attention away from the fact. "Hey Peter Frampton! Do you like toast too!? Yes, as do I, it is warm and crispy… and the perfect place for jelly to lay. Now stay the fuck away from me

Ironically, this is what I said to Wonder Woman.

"Turn that knife away from me, please. Why are you pointing that knife at me?! That why you came, to stab me with that knife, huh?! Will you turn it away from me, please?!"

At least he doesn't hate himself and the entire human race.

Or Jim Carroll. Except he's dead.

Mike Leigh, Todd Haynes, Jim Jarmusch