Felix Adelaar

The DaVinci Load
was the much better film. According to that, Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa with his sperm and in order to have the best sex ever, you had to have an orgy underneath it.

Means he doesn't have any foreskin.

See, they're teenagers, so they're not fully formed pussies yet.

What if all they wanted to talk about was their banana hammock?

Why don't they just stick with HED.

Not at all. We all found out when Tommy did.

I think for me,
the epitome summation of this whole show was the scene last season when Tommy and Janet went to the shrink to say that they were trying to get back together, and then proceeding to lay out the previous seasons. You knew it was coming again, because when they're together, they're kinda nuts, but when

You would rather have her telling you how hot your balls are in some kind of reality show though, wouldn't you?

"And with that, Glee (and any AV Club coverage of same) bids you adieu until the fall, when it will return with a re-edited pilot and 12 additional episodes."

You know, me too. And I didn't think I would be.

But that was a time frame of like, MAYBE 10 minutes.

A lot of people worked on blowing up that house!

The following takes place between 2:00am and 3:00am:

Yeah that looked pretty fuckin' awesome.

In the second Paragraph (crap I wrote a lot), I missed a sentence where I switched from the crazy behind the scenes dude to Tony. It's great having TONY as a martyr. Yeah. That's all I got. HOLY CRAP A TERMINATOR COMMERCIAL.

Hey, it was dark when the Car blew up, and then when Kim had the bandage on it was daytime. What the crap?

What? How fucking young are you?

I find it implausible that the whole reason they brought in Idris Elba was to raise awareness of his new, shitty movie.