Felix Adelaar

Mexican Errand Boy
Man. I really wanted Sheila and Janet to be an interesting pair of uh, awesome fun thing to watch. Like they really could have been something interesting together to clean up Leary for the last time / last season. That's kind of what I'm hoping for. I kinda saw it after he made that hilarious crack

Anyone else remember the chick in the firehouse played by Diane Farr, who just DISA-FUCKING-PEARED?

This show actually has seasons like 24 has, where it can be fucking amazing, or fucking terrible, and they're not all one-after-another.

Party's over assholes.
Is it me, or has black Shawn turned into Carlton Banks? All dorky and whatnot? Remember when he used to be like, awesome and stuff and not wimpy?

But if you're like Dan, you're going, "Yeah, I'll vote for 'em, I suck".

Yeah, I know about the new rule, I'm just putting it in context. It's funny that in the last two seasons they've had to change two rules because of shit they never thought would happen.

Hey, if they can quit and not be gone from the jury, why should they be gone after being voted out?

I think this season was so bad because there wasn't really one EXTREMELY INTERESTING person. Every season has a breakout (who normally wins the fan vote), and the reason Jane won wasn't because she was the most interesting, but because everyone else was so goddamned boring. Seriously. Two people gave up in the same

Dan made it this far
Because there are nearly always weak people that make it to final three or four or five. Say you're an alliance of three. Would you rather bring a weak person to the final four so that you know you could knock that person out whenever you want, or a strong person that you actually have to contend

Yes, but it's never mentioned that Clu 1 died in the new film. There's not a part in it that says, "Oh, right. We got one of them killed." It was, "Let's make another one and then call him the same thing," only in this movie because it's not referenced as another new one it's the same.. Fuck I'm going in circles.

Let's get down to business: Some errors in information.
that Bridges didn't actually make the page you're talking about that brings Hedlund into the grid, it was Clu. Don't you remember that scene where Bridges basically goes, 'ITS ALL A PART OF HIS PLAN!' in his freaky mansion house?
Oh, and while we're on the

I think this was
the most consistently funny episode of the season for me.

Kinda sucks that
Nobody nowhere mentioned the greatness of Florence and the Machine.

Actually, Kirk might want to have a go at a campaign
Because I as a Winnipeger would like to inform you that Sam Katz got re-elected.

I live in a major Canadian city
And I had no idea this even existed.

Hey, he's got to keep them at least until he's worn out his welcome. Then he'll toss them at us as a reminder to why we once thought him brilliant.

Your niece = you.

I remember them going back to the gorge for a later episode (Don't remember what ep specifically), and the ambulance was still there against the tree.

I really don't remember if they did come out before the movies, but man it makes for an interesting read. Either way, I'm not sure HOW I even got the books.

I have the Novelized versions
of Back to the future part II and II. Here's a sample (I'm not joking)