Felix Adelaar

And contrary to what Zack says, I will never hate Tony. Ever. Regardless of how bad of a guy he gets on this show, he's still fucking awesome.

A few hours ago, there was a map showing like, 6-10 different places they could hit while they were building all those things, but that Voigt was only going to shoot at one of them.

I guess it's not as bad as being run down by a wild animal, huh?

You know what?
They need to change the way they do the credits. Make it so that when people like Chloe come back from not being there for four or five episodes, it'll be more of a suspensful surprise, instead of having the watcher go, "Oh, Chloe's back. I wonder what she'll be doing".

They could probably just input it in without having him do it.

But playing it with that stupid slide-middle-fret shit is kind of almost way too annoying.

Whereas with Rock band you can incorporate other things into the game (Ie, extract the ACDC content and Rock band 1 from it's own game and input it into Rock band 2)

I want to play RIGHT NOW.

Instead of Bass, you play a GH style dual Keyboard system!

So, really I'd have to buy a third drumset? Aw. Crap.

Hey, check this comment out, it explains things. Sorta. Also, it makes this person, who's probably a really bored guy, even more sad:

Does it work with the Rock Band set?

Can you buy a second pedal by itself for this, or does the new drumset have two? I don't want to end up owning three drumsets (Rock Band 2, Rock Band 1, and this), so that's you know, a major selling point.

I always
liked Sexy M.F. the most. And no, not that shitty one where he replaces ''fucker' with an orgasm noise.

Here we go:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. There, I said it.

Yeah, you're near ten minutes behind.

She should have more lines, or swimsuit episodes.

I did however love that Michael used his own line against him as he was leaving. That was my favorite part of the episode.

What if they kept Idris as boss and had Michael as a salesman? Now there's some classy moments of work-dom.

Hey, they threw themselves at him in the Job, too.