Felix Adelaar

I wish he had a twitter.

I hear it compared to Buffalo a lot, which is weird. I've never actually heard it called "Paris of the Prairies" in my lifetime. Always thought that was Brandon, actually.

How many seasons have you watched? I mean hell, if Leary knows season 4 wasn't his finest, he's sure doing a bang up job of making up for it this year.

I don't know if I want to search google for that.

I'm in Winnipeg. Pretty far from Toronto. Will that do? We have the most fast food places and the best looking women per capita.

Thank God
I live in Canada, because this is the second week in a row that I haven't heard of any of this crap.

It's weird
how this show can have such intensely fantastic moments of tv, wrapped around a bunch of other not so good moments. I'm not saying last night was bad, I'm just saying that in the past, the moments like that tend to be the best parts of the show, and there aren't that many of them. The last one I remember

He is a myth, that man. A myth of fantastic awesome-ness.

But why blow up the compound? And keep that little canister? He didn't want huge cities to go down, just maybe, a few blocks?

After the few seconds of me staring at my screen, surprised that he even did it, I was trying to figure out why he'd blow up the compound, and yet (according to the preview I saw for next week) have no problem asking some dude to blow up a bunch of FBI agents. What if he and Greg have an end-game, where Hodges was the

Dubaku died so he could have a short scene in the Wolverine movie!

Star Wars? Just doesn't seem right in there for some reason. Maybe it's just me. Oh, wait. I just read the influential part. I just thought they were putting on movies per every decade. Well then.

Stop smokin' the weed.

Dude you are so drunk.

Oh, he so did. The machine was just broken, and we have yet to figure out whose end was the broken part. But we will, soon. It has to come out in order for Jack to pro-create a child who can actually deliver decent lines in the show.

Did you see the preview for next week when he tries to console her and she says, "DONT TELL ME HOW TO FEEL!"

He didn't cry when he was kicked from the Raineshouse. Last I remember was him standing on the porch looking out at the sky and then disappearing.

I could have really believed
the daughter moment, and then the writers decided to continue giving Elisha Cuthbert 6 "daddy" moments, and a bunch of lines that even the best people from the show would sound terrible saying. Holy crap.

So, here's to him dying on 30 Rock? Let's get this in production!

I wasn't trying for a firstie. I think you should fail for that, seeing as how when I posted, the first was already there. Also, Clueless gets me. that's all that matters.