Felix Adelaar

note to self: transfer money to credit card.

Sigh. I've only ever found one copy here and it was a used, scratched one.

Thank you, person who decided that it took less time to type that than to get a username.

Hank, I live in a shitty little city where it's hard to find EVERYTHING.


I thought it was a steaming pile of shit, and was as confused by the movie as J.K. Simmons was. And he was IN it.

Thank you WB
Now I can finally get The Philadelphia Story on DVD.

Harsy. Sarhy. Srahy Yahrs. I'm done.

Our Founding Fathers… guaranteed us certain protections. The freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the freedom to own and play stringed instruments of all kinds. Those Founding Fathers didn't place restrictions on these freedoms. They didn't say, "The right to play guitar shall not be violated, except when used to

What kind of post would have felt like a hug?

I don't get
What everyone finds funny about him anyway. He does such a great job at being exceptionally boring. Also, that notebook looks like it stole the cover art concept from the Harvey Birdman dvds.

Dear Christ,
Why is everyone still giving Family Guy anything over a C-? This episode was only slightly better than last week. Maybe my judgment is clouded because of last week's F-, but this is only a C- because Peter's cartoon was the only thing that's funny. Ruining an old in-joke with Lois falling, and that

It's been decided, we need a Decider here. There are so many ways you can talk about how good looking women are in -30 weather.

I just figured that because they're so close to each other, it would be a really neat/difficult process to determine where they finally part ways. There aren't a lot of book/films that have me feeling the same way for both. Maybe I'll wait patiently for whenever they decide to start working on the Rum Diary Movie.

You know,
I would really love to see a Fear and Loathing book vs film.

I don't answer the door/phone/drive thru/message when I'm having sex. Must be some bad sex he's having to look at twitter.

For some odd reason, this comment made me want to find out whatever happened to hypercolor shirts.

I'm afraid to follow you.

You handlen twitter well.

Winnipeg is where it's at. What 'it' is though, is up for debate.