
Easy A- for me. The movie had the humor, spirit, and joy of the original trilogy while also having some notably tense and dark moments. The new characters are all awesome (though I wish Poe Dameron and especially Captain Phasma got more screen time). It's structurally very similar to A New Hope but still feels fresh.

Am I correct in seeing that this show is receiving considerably more views an episode than Better Call Saul did earlier this year?

Have never watched this show and have no intention to, Just wanted to say that DenOfGeek gave this a 5/5, and I generally think their reviews are good. For whatever reason shows like these get such a mixed response.

Definitely agree that the cross-cutting was great. I honestly think the characters are getting more intriguing as the season progresses. Might be in the minority but I think Frank is a really tragic character who is getting some great character development.

Still think this show is better than the scores reflect, but I definitely agree that this episode is one of the show's best so far. I plan on wrapping up the first season this week.

Good point. I'm someone who actually loved Lost's finale but was hesitant when this show began to delve into the afterlife in "Assassin". I ended up loving this element of the show. Guess the reviewer didn't.

Was not expecting a grade this low. Like at all. I thought the finale was a phenomenal end to an amazing season/series. Also, the review didn't even talk about that amazing scene between John and Kevin in the hospital. So freaking great.

Loved this interview. Would also like to add that Max Casella also voiced Daxter in Jak and Daxter. Dude is freaking everywhere and is memorable in all his roles, even the small ones.

Thoroughly disagree with a C+ grade. This was easily one of the best episodes of the season. I genuinely think Ward is a compelling villain and killing Rosalind had an emotional impact for sure. I thought she and Coulson were great together but appreciate the writers taking a bold direction in killing her. Remember,

Man, I'm really enjoying the hell out of this show so far. I've been seeing the rather low scores given to it and am a little surprised. First off, the world building in this show is phenomenal. Obviously it's based off of Phillip K. Dick's novel of the same name, but the show does an extraordinary job of bringing it

Thought tonight was a great episode. Loved how all of the storylines came together, and it didn't seemed forced either. This episode makes the season look better retrospectively. Some people were disappointed that Lash was captured last week but knowing he's in HYDRA'S hands is going to be interesting, especially now

Loved the show and the relationship between Will and Hannibal but this is a little much for me. Never understood slash fiction anyways. Big fan of Supernatural but man, the fan base for that show can get a little overzealous. Glad people enjoy these characters this much though. Still mourning Hannibal too. Holding out

Enjoyed the episode a lot. The emotional beats are what did it for me this week though. Gotta love John Wesley Shipp as Barry's dad. The Flash is almost always better at the quieter moments than Arrow is. That's not to say Arrow doesn't have any of those. Look at Tommy's death and Oliver telling Lance off a few

The Knick may not quite be on the level of those shows but I think it should be mentioned. People should check it out.

A lot of people seem to be down on this season. I think it's off to a very good and consistent start. The writers have been able to balance the humor and dramatic elements well. Season 3's problem was too much melodrama and pace that didn't let the story beats breathe. This season is correcting the course.

Totally agree that Arrow started off in a similar way. I'm willing to bet that Supergirl finds a nice groove soon.

This is an A simply because Perd Hapley is a news anchor for National City. In all honesty, I think this was an improvement from the pilot. The DEO and the villains remain the weakest part of the show so far. DEO is the laziest cardboard cutout of a secret government agency. And Astra comes off as a one note villain

Was really impressed with the scene between lance and Oliver. Some of their best performances on the show. Overall, I'm really enjoying Arrow this season. They seem to have a good balance of the melodrama and lightheartedness this year. It doesn't hurt when you have Team Arrow going up against a pretty awesome villain

Liked this episode quite a bit actually. I'm glad the season isn't structuring every episode around ("which meta human will Zoom send after Barry next?). That can get quite tedious in a twenty two episode season. We're going to get plenty more Zoom in the episodes to come so I'm fine with taking a detour and

I'm so happy that the industry has Bryan Fuller. He's one of the few people that understands why most story telling centered around rape is generally awful.