Now I can't be the first in line for Heckraiser.
Now I can't be the first in line for Heckraiser.
fave part
My favorite part of this week's episode was the Tod Browning "Freaks" reference.
Didn't they just remake this with Eddie Izzard?
"I've been living like a demented God!" will now be my new excuse whenever I screw up anything or appear too selfish.
I follow him on Facebook and before the show aired he posted a note explaining the BNP reference. I'm glad I read it before watching. This episode was hilarious.
If I'm about to throw it, it's only because I saw what you really look like…
Maybe this one will have consistent characters and songs that I actually like…
I thought that when I watched the episode. It's like they took a sweater and turned it backwards for her to wear as a shirt.
I'm pretty sure that Kurt's rendition of "Jazz Hot" is now my favorite number the show has ever done. But I have a big ole crush on Julie Andrews in the flick version sooooo that may be why. I almost peed when I realized he was doing Victor/Victoria.
Agron has a pretty big part in the upcoming "I Am Number Four". I caught her in a trailer for it when I went and saw "Social Network".
Calling her speech "shrill" seems to be channeling the gentlemen she was pwning's attitude more than what actually happened.
Betty & Sally
Betty and Sally has got to be one of the more interesting relationships to me but it's purely for personal reasons.
carniverous danus: maybe that's because the kid's are all in Betty's MIIIND. :P
He did. Lane said his family just moved BACK. So there goes his Chocolate Bunny…in public anyway.
also noted
Closeted Queen Latifah is in a movie with an objectionable gay joke…
I think I would have liked this episode more and felt it was giving a fair shake to both sides had "Dear God" been sung.
I sing "Losing my Religion" on Rock Band better than Finn did last night. 100% Flawless on Expert, bitches.
I just wanted to chime in that I thought Kurt was angry because they were disrespecting his non-belief by pushing their beliefs on him repeatedly, especially after they asked him not to. The show *did* try to take sides and portray him as WRONG for being angry and FREAKED OUT that they were praying by his father's…
The observers show up still in the background too.