
A lot of things on the show are real about the place. Including the soul sucking side of it according to a pal who lives there now.

Booo! I love Russell Tovey (Werewolf in Being Human). I saw the UK one and am disappointed that he was recast.

My friend from HS was a thug on Sons of Anarchy. That's as close as I get.

I kinda saw Lane and his new girlfriend as both being attracted to one another for their "otherness". Her Race and his Nationality.

Dude, I have a few friends who are goths-who-haven't-grown-up-yet and they will be excited about this project.

I don't and I graduated in 1992 and moved away not long afterwards.

I couldn't help but notice the parallel with the cuckold fetish guy/wife/Hank and the dinner with his ex and her beau.

fastandsloppy: I said the same thing last night! By him telling her what happened, she won't hate/blame herself and never has to see him again. It will allow her to move one easier.

What would have made it even cooler is if Creed was actually playing for real…

I just read in EW that the kid who plays LUKE is a MENSA member IRL. WOT?

time jumping
two weeks later…3 days ago.. a week later…3 weeks ago…4 months ago..7 days later.. an hour ago.. 6 weeks later. SERIOUSLY PICK A TIMELINE AND JUST TELL THE STORY

lexicondevil: Damnit! I tried to make it sound as unsexy as possible. ;)

My grandmother to this day still wears shape wear like she did back then. Hers has snap crotches and she can attach stockings to garters. So if Joan has a similar undergarment, it's just a simple matter of pulling up her skirt and unsnapping the goods. Basically, it's like a full body bra/girdle/shaper with a snap

I refuse to watch any show where fat people are the butt of the joke. I want to laugh WITH people not laugh AT people.

Dylan Baker!!

Her sisters were also in Grease 2 as cheerleaders.

Eric didn't break out of the cement. Pam saved him. She made a throwaway comment about it in their exchange when they got together after he was free.

That's part of the reason that I want to see this and wonder if it is a hoax. I mean, he WAS there when his brother was doing the fish on the Viper Room sidewalk. He was raised in a wackadoo traveling hippie family that was in some crazy religious cult. So anything is possible with him.

You'd think the wife of a network exec would have a better plastic surgeon to fuck up her face.

everything mixed with ginger ale makes a good cocktail…dur