
I still listen to the Filmspotting crew and they have gotten a lot better. They even taught some film class recently in Chicago together. They also seem to have gotten better at acknowledging their errors when people call them on it. This past year, they've been doing marathons of a whole lot of older movies too.

We tried really, really hard to enjoy this show but Lyons really bugged me. The best part of the show was when they brought in Matt Singer from IFC. At least he could intelligently talk about films. We finally just removed the show from our TiVo season passes.

The Biscuit Holes remind me of what we've seen as Chinese Donuts (on almost all Chinese buffets that I've been to) or even Redneck Donuts.

We watched…
We guffawed. We will watch it until it's inevitably canceled. Because every show that I love is canceled way too soon.

She's a Maenad! I think this is the fourth time that I've posted that too. ;)

So tasty! It's not the same drinking plain ole orange hi-c for some reason. I've tried. Maybe when the new Ghostbusters movie comes out, we'll get an update.

twogreattastes: Oh! I tried one of those this weekend on a whim! LOVED it. I need to get more. mmmMmmMm

I've always wanted her and Tilda to be in something as sisters.

Oh yeah, I forgot!
ECTO COOLER! GODDAMN that shit was addictive. Slimer on the front, neon green color, tastes like orange. Was an engineering miracle.

I miss…
Oreos with MINT filling. OMG so fucking good. I'm a whore for anything chocolate and mint together.

I totally want this
Best Mr Show Cross Stitch EVER

The Bachman Books are some of his best, IMHO. I own every single book that he's written even if they suck. :P It's a compulsion because I've read him since childhood.

Mary Ann
is a Maenad. She is a part of the cult of Dionysus.

Not all of us here in Philly are douchebags or knuckle-draggers , I promise.

I am relieved that Zombie Vs Shark was included here. It's one of my favorite movie fights.

I cannot wait to see what Del Toro does to "Slaughterhouse Five". I hope his planned remake pans out.

Nope, the upfronts were last week and the Gossip Girl spin-off is dead.

Love it
I was one of those Performing Arts geeks in HS so this show was right up my alley.

Centralia too…:P

I live in Pa. and have always wanted to go to Centalia to do my own photo shoot. I got a kick out of the mention but also saw the significance.