
I am so curious about how he gets all these amazingly talented actors and actresses onto his shows and other projects. I just have to imagine that at the very least, he normally gives them something fun to do or very characterized piece, but he seems to be able to get more higher profile people than anyone else.

He's met her before. I know that she was with the cast of Glee when they covered "Landslide" and then when they did the episode as tribute to the Rumours album.

These 32 GIFs Prove The Mindy Project Is the Best, And Also Will Change Your Life Forever

I want a Namor movie. I mean, he's cool and all, and then there's the excessive amounts of shirtlessness that it would provide. Just saying.

I can't tell if the Sean Hayes press campaign they've been doing of him boasting the show so much is helping the show or hurting it. The ratings have picked up probably out of curiosity and having different lead-ins, but what he says is always so, so dumb.

Oh, wow! I had been looking for a place to watch The Good Wife for a long time now, and for some reason didn't think to check Hulu since I've never seen CBS allow their stuff there. Thanks for the tip, Todd, going to start catching up as soon as I finish Arrow!

I sort of agree with that. "A Goon's Deed in a Weary World" was a very satisfying 'finale' in that it wrapped up most of the major character arcs. Everything just about got wrapped up then, and it was all really satisfying. But I loved the finale two-parter as a farewell to the cast and the show, without needing to

Rewatch from episode one. Easiest solution. Great show for repeated viewings.

I am too sober for this shit.

Oliver Queen shirtless is a gift that comes 365 days a year.

Catching up on Arrow
…and I hate Christmas episodes of television. It's the episode where Oliver Queen saves Christmas, because it's terrible to not celebrate Christmas!

“It was all a dream” is one of the cheapest conceits in all of fiction.

Greer would be hilarious in that role, but Peretti is fantastic in it. I think the reason for her staying in the station needs to be hashed out more in the same way The Office had to address why Michael Scott is still in his position, but I find her hysterical in the role.

Easily my favorite new show, and quite possibly my favorite comedy on air right now. I rarely get to watch anything live before (unless in the 10pm timeslot), but it is always the show I am most eager to catch up on.

What Your Date's Favorite Shows Say About Them:
30 Rock: They love comedy and have great taste.
American Horror Story: They're eccentric, and conversations are likely to be random and all over the place. But be warned of those who watch this show for shipping.
The Big Bang Theory: They laugh very easily, so will laugh at

Interesting; I think it has stronger odds in the Comedy category, still, but should at least get the nominations in Drama.

I'm still early season one in my Arrow marathon to catch up so far (just finished episode 6, "Legacies") but one of the biggest questions I have is: If Oliver keeps running into issues with sneaking away from his family, and feeling guilty about that, why doesn't he just move out so he doesn't need to create the

Sorry, didn't mean to be pedantic towards you as much as poking at the overall high prices for DVD/Bluray sets.

"ridiculously cheap" =/= $59.99