
You mean you aren't the AV Club account of the building 30 Rockefeller Plaza?

Yeah, but Tony Stark, a rich dude, wanted to take care of it, and we all know how the government bends over to rich dudes.

But she's had sex! (But also already been punished for it, via their death.)

Yeah, I doubt that it would be called Alias.

South Park is certainly not the first to show killing zombies with a chainsaw like that. That was certainly an Evil Dead reference more than South Park (which was also probably referencing Evil Dead).

I think that him holding on to Madison's corpse is a Chekhov's gun at the moment, so all that will be exposed and have some ramifications.

That's how I always masturbate. Gotta keep myself busy while getting busy with myself.

She was also gone for most of the episode before that, since Zoe took Kyle away from Misty pretty early on and then she didn't reappear.

It depends on the show.

Wait. That happened?

They know that deep down, you truly do peacock them with all your heart.

You won't ever forget Valentine's Day, but it might come in October.

I think that comes from Fiona either (a) not just giving a fuck about other people that isn't herself or Cordelia, apparently, (b) not knowing that Madison's corpse is - or, uh, was - still in tact and not chopped up by Spaulding or whatever, (c) having Madison alive would risk her ratting her out.

One of the biggest issues I have with supernatural shows where there are all these supremely powerful characters is that everyone often is very conveniently dumb about their powers or the powers of others in order to move plots along. Especially with things like telepathy, mind-reading, and mind-control.

Yeah, it's obviously not his fault that on his own free will he choose to burn his step-father alive in the middle of a public place, then bring a gun to school and kill a library full of students. It's not his fault, and he's not a bad person for that!

- Very glad Luke survived. Let's hope his injuries means he has shirtless scenes during his recovery, right?
- Marie vs. Zoe vs. Fiona & Queenie vs. Myrtle & Misty. I expect Madison to be resurrected eventually and take a part in that war, as well as Cordelia.
- If Misty is drawn to people who died before their time, I

"All your daughter can see is darkness," the doctor said, before being attacked by Fiona. Enraged by the assault, he left without telling about the hospital's lighting issue.

*bangs some pots and pans together*

The babydoll dress and stockings I wear are much prettier.

My gasped, hand-covering-mouth reaction was the same as Spaulding's.