Anywhere I lay my head

I saw the Killer Inside of Me. How does this compare to that movie? And how was the story it's based on?

I saw the Killer Inside of Me. How does this compare to that movie? And how was the story it's based on?

Thanks AV Club, I couldn't remember the name of the neo soul singer that I saw. It was Bilal.

Thanks AV Club, I couldn't remember the name of the neo soul singer that I saw. It was Bilal.

Hell yeah I did cold calling and I couldn't even imagine doing that janky shit. How are they even making money?

Hell yeah I did cold calling and I couldn't even imagine doing that janky shit. How are they even making money?

Who told you you could work around men, Don Staples?

Who told you you could work around men, Don Staples?

Yeah well you're on the AV Club so we knew that already.

I just watched this again yesterday.

I just watched this again yesterday.

Excuse me, it's if Shiva came down and gave him a million dollars and told him to sign the contract.

Excuse me, it's if Shiva came down and gave him a million dollars and told him to sign the contract.


You saw the horrible truth. They're coming to get you now.

I remember this one too.

Yeah Lobsters, why'd you change your screen name?

Yeah Lobsters, why'd you change your screen name?

You know that part in World War Z where the celebrity fortress on Long Island gets stormed? That totally needs to happen to these people/

You know that part in World War Z where the celebrity fortress on Long Island gets stormed? That totally needs to happen to these people/