
I've been reading (and really enjoying) the Vertigo comic of this and didn't realize it was a novel first. Must look into…

It was Coulson in the new SHIELD ongoing

>>Michael wonders why his mother seems more villainous than usual and asks if he she’s sober. “Michael, it’s 8 a.m.!” she gasps. “So it’s not that,” he muses.
This is one of our favorite lines from the entire show.

>>Michael wonders why his mother seems more villainous than usual and asks if he she’s sober. “Michael, it’s 8 a.m.!” she gasps. “So it’s not that,” he muses.
This is one of our favorite lines from the entire show.

I had heard that "break a leg" actually refers to a formal type of bow where you bend your front knee. So "break a leg" becomes short hand for "do well enough that you deserve to at the end." It's not superstition, just slang.

I had heard that "break a leg" actually refers to a formal type of bow where you bend your front knee. So "break a leg" becomes short hand for "do well enough that you deserve to at the end." It's not superstition, just slang.

Maybe they can use the book's ending instead of the studio-mandated cop-out that flaws an otherwise brilliant film

Funny, that's the only episode of Arrested Development I _don't_ like. I watch the first half of the episode and then skip to the next as soon as Martin Short shows up. He's not funny. That episode is not funny. I was trying to evangelize the show to some friends and that was the one that happened to be on TV, and now

I really enjoyed Cactus Flower
Walter Matthau, Ingrid Bergman, and Goldie Hawn looking a bit like an alien.

Satoshi Kon is one of my all-time favorite directors. I have been eagerly awaiting his next film for years. I am now severely depressed…

Details on trailers
I wish that the page with the movie trailer had some kind of short text blurb explaining basic premise, stars, genre, or SOMETHING more than just the title and the set screen-cap—something to help me decide if I want to plug in my headphones and try watching the trailer.

I'm sorry, but a typewriter that has the remains of a type-written note saying the typist (and supposedly the typewriter as well) is being replaced by a computer is anything but boring. It's like a little piece of ironic art in itself.

It's been a while…
But that plot sounds nothing like the plot of the book? Humans vs. animals? That wasn't what was going on at all as I recall… isn't it more of a humans & animals co-exist kind of world (similar to with the Muppets?)

I find the suggestion interesting..
That Howard Stark will be a major character in the film. Assuming Marvel etc are working to try make all these movies coincide in a single story-line, that would mean that this movie (or at least chunks of it) would take place before present day. Thus unlike how Iron Man is

Spawned a novel?
It was a novel first.