
Beans, my cat > Frances Bean

I knew she'd have some plot to take the baby as her own, but man that was brutal!

Holy crap I rose to my feet and cheered like an idiot when Ashur got his penis sliced off

That might make Up all Night akward

I hope Glaber gets it tonight. A few weeks ago my husband pointed out how much he looks like Will Arnett, so now whenever Glaber enters a scene, all I see is Gob Bluth in Roman costume.

Really? That was going to be my Detroit version.

Was the misspelling of Arkansas intentional or was it supposed to add flair to your stereotyping of Southerners?

I get yelled at from my husband for not closing the lid. What could possibly fall into the toilet, which is a few feet away from the bathroom counter, I'll never know. A cat?

"People who don't punch their ponies in the face are assholes!"

I thought I read that too- people who jump to their death (or fall accidently) die of fright and not the fall itself. It bothered me how well Michael Douglas took his "gift" at the end. I'd kill somebody. Seriously did they all just sit around eating cake after almost ruining this man's life?

I went on a date in high school where the guy told me he had a big suprise. He drives me by this random house and says, "Tim Allen lives there!". As he had expected, I was just so insanely excited that I took all my clothes off instantly.

I agree. I wouldn't have two years ago but Louis' act is starting to get old.

I read once that Stamos is best friends with Matt Stone, which is just so incomprehensibly random to me.

In Memoriam
The SAG may have liked The King's Speech but sure didn't like that Corey Haim fellow

My aunt is full blooded Native. She's quite the walking stereotype.

A Nine Inch Nails concert that never ends…
Sounds like Heaven to me. Long reign Lord Cthulhu.

I think Mysterion has to be Kenny b/c it's obviously Matt Stone's voice, and Matt Stone does Kenny, and that's as far as I've thought it out

Best part of the movie…
Sir Knight? I've just pissed my pants, and nobody can do anything about it.