
So, the buildings that nobody calls "Wilco Towers" are in Chicago.  Where are the buildings nobody calls "Radiohead Towers?"  The article is strangely mute on this subject.

I wonder what sorts of complex emotions the band would feel if they knew they're a running joke on AV Club comment boards.  
The money they spent to buy Steven Hyden for promotional purposes backfired and they're a big damn joke.

If you wanted a date, you should have asked her out on a shopping date at Binny's.

How could we forget?  We were all listening to No Doubt during the "Summer of the Shark" that ended in 9/11.

I did that over on the Snoop Dog newswire, GLut.  I just saved my place by posting a quick word, then edited it to a firstie.

And Joe Montana was the West Coast Godfather of The Game!

First: This cat Fillmore Slim is still alive and touring right now. He claims to have found redemption, but clearly he's still proud of his past as a sex slave master if he's authorizing this. Next: Pimping seems incongruous with the blues, to me. Finally: First again!

Adele? pfft.  Will it do Dawes numbers?

Well, Florence's machine is a Sybian.

He gets a lifetime pass for that great rape he did that one time.

She/He looks like she probably plays up some artsy-chanteuse sort of angle on stage which would be particularly loathsome.

I'm not sure I see how "children's band" can be interpreted as "paragons of stable membership," but it's the only way I see it making any sense.

Eh.  Contemptible gimmick poster based upon contemptible hip hop flavor of the month.  It works.

What was he confronting you about?  Your refusal to bathe?

Whatever team he's currently locked out of, that is.

The Quirk hasn't figured out that with the edit feature, he can turn that completely lame firstie into a firstie Gettysburg Address.

Of Dawes.  They're a Dawes cover band, which the world needs more of. Dawes, that is. of.

I thought the ads at AV Club were annoying, but that Forbes site is a fucking explosion of shit, waving up and down and left and right.

Thank you.  Firsties has lost a bit of its panache in the new system; since you can edit failures, the risk/reward has been diminished.  You carry the flame, Superdeformed.

So, who went to AV Fest?  The Trib reporter enjoyed the event, and didn't even note the glaring absence of Dawes.