
5.  Not Dawesome, but not Dawesappointing either.

He's leering at that can of beans on the campfire.  He wants you to share it.  Maybe he'll play his harmonica for you.

Jesus F. Christ smuggles booze? I thought you could just turn water into wine wherever you are.

"One of the most anticipated releases of the fall?"  Really, Steven Hyden?  Are YOU really anticipating this release?  On a scale of 1 to Dawes, how much should we be anticipating this release?

Judging from their appearances (Whitney and her man), the apartment does not have a shower.

This gimmick's got potential, Assange.  Don't fuck it up.

Damn, Sean, you got me reaching for my Concise OED.

I feel like picking on Archmage because he runs on at the mouth.

Hey, he's got that slightly bewildered, slightly "ain't I a stinker" look that Tyler the Creator has!

This is one of the best tracks?  It's garbage.

And then somebody shot Cyrus, and blamed it on the Warriors.

Unless there is news about how this has affected Dawes, too much damn ink has been spent on this fucking warehouse fire.

And everybody is like "Cool. Story. Bro."

He's also a huge Knicks fan.  So maybe it will be about young black men from Newark who go to Harvard Law School and then become corporate lawyers in NYC who work at law firms that have sky suites in Madison Square Garden where they host underprivileged youths to watch Knicks games and they teach them about their

The way the newswire is written suggests it will focus on the criminal element.  Of course, the photo suggests it will focus on a private high school's lacrosse team, so I could be wrong.

I am white.

“contemporary exploration of what it means to be a young, black man in a supposedly post-racial America.”

I didn't read the interview.  Is he pissed off that yet another unknown comedian stole his material?

"fucking" = occasionally
"hilarious" = chuckle-worthy

His whining may have been a contributing factor in the "everybody register" policy.  Thanks a lot, mildly humorous AV Club darling!