
The real Tyler needs a real Angry Black Man to kick his stupid ass.  It should have been an Angry Black Man on that airport shuttle, and not Steve Albini.  An Angry Black Man would have slapped the shit out of that kid, whining for McDonald's.

Wow new crisp patriotic profile pic

Legos are threats to barefoot culture.  OUCH! FUCK!

Yeah really.  Make them normal. Yawn.

Ahem.  Although you are correct, I feel obligated:

The punks want pay radio!  Give them pay radio!

Really?  90's nostalgia rules?

Masshole flash mob! Run!

Yeah because she surely would have been just as successful if she were a dogface.

I had same problem with IE.  It's there with Chrome.

No. No.
Atlas Sound is "totally awesome."
Dawes is totally Dawesome.

Great username, Leonard!

He wouldn't undo it, but he might add a couple of words about how handsome those guys are.

I wasn't commenting on the financial aspect of their denial.  Hadn't considered it.

Where's the CSB from the (countless) guy(s) who saw her in concert and has to tell us that she can really "shred?"

SPOILER:  AV Club Fest 2012

Not lies, Ted, just a miscalculated stance against a trend far more powerful and influential than they reckoned.   Can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Which are you, a grasshopper or a dragonfly?

It wasn't celebration, it was just wordplay riffing on the event for laughs.

Instead of "Comment Removed," on the obits when they delete a comment they should insert "Too Soon."