Mr. Swearword

Dude, no. This fucking blows.


If you're gonna bring up Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, the matchup in You've Got Mail is a bit on the "why?!" side considering he destroyed her business but because of an AOL chat and accidentally liking each other, they're together…NY152 and SHOPGIRL should not have been together

Upvote for reading me for ALL the Tea in China because you know what? I'm at peace with it, I really am.

Oh the Villaintina trope…as a Redditor, I am familiar with this

Gurl I will rank Alexis as SHE-HULK before I accept Shea's construction look in a BEST OF LOL. Other than that, all this makes sense.


The commentariat here will always be home and in turn, you bitches are fun as fuck to quibble with

*wild seal like laughter from Katya*

*Moans in Farrah* now available on iTunes

VH1 does on occasion air reruns of SNL so this probably holds true. However, S9 context filler: Trinity got a fucking name check on SNL. Like, come on…whose message does this savvy stunt queen Ru pick?

2. Even then, the worst thing you could say about Shea's look was that Rihanna probably did it 2-3 years ago AT the Met Gala.

Acid was never high fashion until maybe her last runway but even then, she went with the Madonna song written by BJORK for the video LOL

AND you brought up another point, that Peppermint can be both a socially conscious win [but admittedly, the show could also face weird flack for a Peppermint win in social context as it can be taken as pandering to the trans community given the show's shaky history with the trans audience of recent memory] and a win

I'm a few opinions away from being a contrarian ain't I? LOL

High fashion for an ARTSY queen mind you

On one hand, phrased like that, I agree with point #2. Sasha is a bit too damned sensitive especially for a drag queen. However, the main counterpoint is context and what the winner is "this year/this season"; think back to the recent For Our Consideration of the show…

But here's the thing about Sasha…she wasn't "Actually" weird but she was "high fashion" which is obvious glamour mixed with a complete weird looking individual or someone who's only weird to provincial rubes. In other words, for all the "Artsy" shit associated with her, it's "fashion art" and not anything that screwed

Stronger is not the worst song to LSFYL to but it is one of the "easier"/"lipsync 101" songs. Would I have loved a different song or perhaps a better Britney song in general? Yes.

I thought you hated me, but thanks anyway gurr. See you and the others hopefully for AS3/S10