sad tortoise

Liked it better when it was called Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II.

OHO, SIR! A clever one! No one else here had thought of the "let's call her a slut" angle!

oh, wank wank
Parker and Stone have nothing to worry about. These are just a couple tools on the internet making noise. But I'm sure we'll all have to put up with a four-part episode about how Trey and Matt are being threatened with death by savage Musselmen now.

More spoilers, etc. …

No, sorry. I appreciate your nerdsplurge, Vobiscum, but the reason the multicolor Daleks look silly is because there's this great big buildup to them and the payoff is a bunch of Daleks that look like skittles. I expected one of them to below "TASTE THE RAINBOW."

Lars von Trier really hates women and is obsessed with seeing them raped, tortured and murdered in gruesome ways. Now, that hardly makes him unique - millions of men throughout history, at a conservative estimate, have gotten off on seeing women raped, tortured, and murdered in gruesome ways. But Lars von Trier is a

The companion stuff has become a little creepy
Back when the Doctor was an elderly curmudgeon, it was okay for him to have a kind of fatherly/grandfatherly relationship to the young women who hung out with him. Now that he's written as a twenty- or thirty-something sex symbol, though, and his companions also serve as

I liked the Foreman/Taub stuff. Hell, I liked the whole episode, except for the Cameron/Chase bits that kept making me wince. This may be damning with faint praise, but this was surely one of the best episodes of Hose in a while.

I don't understand why people still watch The Office. It hasn't been tolerable in years.

L'Engle hated the fuck out of that mini, man. Hated, hated, hated it.

"That would be like remaking 'A Beautiful Mind' except instead of winning the Nobel Prize, John Nash FUCKS A CENTAUR."

You're both right! Mark's a douche, and Ann's boring, too.

I'm sorry Ben Stiller stole your girlfriend, Lobsters.

Trekanosis is correct.

Pfft! Zeus was a hairy-ass fat motherfucker.

Hollow bones. Like a bird.
None of Jack's girlfriends have had anything on Phoebe. She will forever be Jack's Dennis.

we will miss you, Alexander McQueen
and your army of sexy lady space lobsters.

Glenn Beck raped and killed Steve McQueen in 1990.

Zack Handlen, Man of Bizarroland
"The few things we hear about House's current case are clever enough, but mostly just had me wishing the episode was about that"

The problem with BSG is that while the nuts and bolts of the show are pretty decent, its mythology is really kind of awful and stupid. The human race on the brink of extinction, the conflict between what's necessary and what's right, the tension between a dying civilization's desperation to survive and the suggestion