
I'm really glad AVClub has decided to continue with these reviews! I'm not watching the show anymore, but after investing so much time into the characters having followed s1-s3b, it's nice to be able to read a comprehensive review of how they're doing. Hopefully this upward trend (from D- to C-) will continue. I

Will these reviews ever continue?

Will these reviews ever continue?

the actor joe dempsie tweeted during the finale "still rowin'…#GOT"

I think there's something wrong with the sound on this video? Because I just rewatched this movie recently (after HIMYM ended and I was super annoyed) and his voice did not sound this high pitched.

Not gonna lie, I would really appreciate if you guys continued with these reviews. I don't watch the show anymore — too many loose narratives that were never tied together, not to mention all the illogical crap the show always tosses out at the last minute ('I've been plotting against gerard this entire season without