

"Use a Homeward Bone," I tell myself. "Use it now or else …"

The numbers in the corner reminds me of my soul counter while playing Dark Souls. Except mine is always resetting to 0.

Townshend had no illegal porn on his computer.

The rule is to halve your age and add 7 years.


Yeah, this episode didn't connect for me at all, but it's nowhere near as bad as, say, that dire episode where they tied up Malcolm McDowell.

Practice, practice, practice! … would be my advice to them.

In my (albeit limited) experience, most women find bi guys to be a real turn-off.


Also, Cars.

I agree, if you're actually playing Survivor well, you don't need to make that many "moves".

I get the sense that Tony is just excitable, almost like a little kid who can't wait to brag to everyone about peeing on the floor in the girls' bathroom. I don't think he's Hantz-level evil (but few are).

LJ was my "blind" pick for this season's winner, and things are looking good for him. He is smart, but not too smart to over-think himself.

Chris was pretty good at the final tribal, but then again, he was up against Twila. A rotting racoon carcass could have beaten Twila.

Nothing makes me laugh harder than a Survivor "boo hoo"-ing their way through their Walk of Shame and exit interview.

Thief 2: The Metal Age is pretty much my favorite game of all time.

Dear Savage Dik,

I'm thinking that Frank is a 5 on the Kinsey scale (predominantly homosexual, but incidentally heterosexual).

I don't even OWN a creation event.