
We used to call Skinner, "Groundskeeper Skinner", after Groundskeeper Willie on the Simpsons. There was a time on the Simpsons when Willie ripped his shirt off and he was really ripped. Soon after that for some reason Skinner had to take his shirt off on the X Files and we were like, "Whoa! Abs!"

From Reddit: The French caught be by surprise but it translates roughly to: "It's not Denis, it's Denie. What do you want now? You always want something don't you. Perhaps it's nothing, or it'll be different this time. After you come in to my home, you turn my apartment into a pig sty, you eat and drink like crazy and

I agree. They only fought each other when they were younger; he's not a former flame of hers.

But I'd have to go to 'Murica to read it. I'll stay here in my nice safe Canada, thank you very much.

Debbie said, "There are people who give orders and there are people who take orders, it's called a democracy".

"Gormless". Love it.

How on earth could Adam think that everything would be hunky-dory? He was like a kid with a new toy.

Prescient, considering who's in the White House.

I also noticed the sound of a transporter when FitzSimmons were discussing the time inaccuracies.

It's real-tor, not real-a-tor. For some reason, I find that annoying.

I think you're right.

I thought it was hysterical when the "Real Housewife of Rome" dropped her dress in the attempted seduction and he laughed at her.

I don't think so. We had a computer in our home in 1983 and a computer science lab in our school. I graduated in 85 and lived in small-town Canada.

I don't think Dom ever said the word "boyfriend". She said "the one", and "when THEY got down on one knee".

In the awards sketch, I didn't take it to mean the actresses were "phoning in" their performances; I saw that they were being represented as an extension of their husbands' lives. (See what I did there?) Only able to exist because their husbands exist to give them meaning.

I can't stand Big Papi.

2017?! Sher-locked.

Politics and religion are like penises. It's ok to have one, but don't take it out and wave it in my face and don't try to stuff it down my throat.

That makes you a willing sacrifice…

I do believe the chef was from Top Chef.