

myr·i·ad [mir-ee-uhd]
noun 1. a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things. 2. ten thousand.

I might be biased but Emma's friend was no skank! I related to her the most since I had something similar happen to me in high school, and we had a lot of the same issues in general.

That sounds awful - which means I need to watch it immediately.

@avclub-355d2f7b50e30f9c9a01207dc6b410e3:disqus I completely wrote off Pixar films in general until I saw WALL-E, it will always be my favorite and I couldn't stop myself from crying throughout! The best part is that my snarky-ass boyfriend (who almost never cries, ever) introduced me to it and teared up so much

You're going to make me cry all over again!

You'd have to be inhuman NOT to cry!

I honestly said "what the fuck" out loud when I clicked on this article. Holy shit indeed.

I'll keep that in mind when I start up my t-shirt business.

Makes sense, since you're a crazy person.

I'd say his only real misstep throughout that entire interview was calling her out that way…it just had this patronizing tone. I don't know, I'd be insanely embarrassed if someone had said that to me in public - especially on live television.

I don't think Nora Zehetner has the physique to play Ramona Flowers (I think Mary Elizabeth Winstead did a great job/looked the part) but I did still love her in Brick and sort of wish she'd been in something better than Grey's Anatomy too. Yegh.

He'd actually say "Hi Daughter" but aside from that I think you've really captured the experience for me

Kind of an unexpected choice for this feature, but I appreciate it nonetheless!

Pretty sure my dad defends him every time I bother to call home.

I've got a ten minute walk to the Space Needle ahead of me! Now I just have to worry about getting robbed on the way there.

5? i do not approve.

I'm there. I don't care where it is!

Really strong pilot, definitely noticed the chemistry too!

Saw them in Dallas with no earplugs of any kind, and I ended up losing my hearing for two whole days (I almost passed out from the sound since I was in the front row)! Kind of looking forward to the experience again, really.