Even though I live in Washington I feel like the tickets will sell out so fast I'll never get to go either.
Even though I live in Washington I feel like the tickets will sell out so fast I'll never get to go either.
It was one good day for Mitchell; he narrowly avoided Vietnam and someone finally noticed how nice his ass is!
Wish you would have mentioned that sooner, I haven't needed to watch any of his movies after 1997 then.
Stole the words right outta my mouth.
I haven't seen The Haunting Hour yet but I'm kind of excited to check it out now…despite the fact that I'm nearly 28 years old. There were maybe a handful of really decent Goosebumps episodes (the Night of the Living Dummy ones were fun) but otherwise they were pretty terrible and cluttered up my DVR.
@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus I don't believe a lot of girls talk about it. It's just now even becoming widely accepted that girls watch/enjoy porn. Again, you might discuss it with your friends, but it hasn't been portrayed all that much in the media or television until the past few years, and I…
If you're into terrible race jokes, this is your guy.
@avclub-a43012a332fc066e7ecf57a9b678fb51:disqus I think I'd like this show even better if all of their fathers died because they had incredible sex.
I guess female sexuality is really more fluid and it's just as easy to be tied to a male or a female..but I'd have to assume she's at least slightly bi right? I mean no matter how much I wanted someone to pay my bills (who doesn't) or even piss off conservative people, I don't know that I'd be totally down with all…
It makes more sense to me that it's the part of Megan he wanted that had actually died. The easygoing, fun woman (hence the hippie garb) that was pregnant with his child. The Megan that currently lives with Don is far from being any of those things for him anymore.
@prince o'wales, you're talking about close friends discussing masturbation, and I'm talking about general conversations where women openly admit to masturbating. They don't. Also, the point I was really trying to make was that teen girls almost CERTAINLY don't talk about it, and they certainly didn't talk about it…
Fuck Boston. Come to Seattle again plz
Boring. I'll go back to listening to Swervedriver, thanks for nothing.
Yeah, Ben turned into a serious creep. Never saw that coming.
@silentspy The characters mostly pursue sexual relationships with little consequence and I doubt that would be happening if it really was a truly religious show at heart, not to mention that I know religious types also consider masturbation to be a sin along with any other mildly enjoyable activity (so why feature it…
It was the reason they thought of trying it but it ended up turning into something a little more "empowering" for them. That's pretty harsh. It's easy to hate on this show, but I'm fairly certain some of the really ridiculous stuff is meant to serve as comic relief.
@avclub-09f700cd7fcae2e9f63ea6cdb7aa76b0:disqus Also, that was the sponsor of her daughter's "would-be" mother-in-law that Ringwald's character was briefly dating. That might be slightly less weird.
Yeah, there was an entire episode devoted to all of the main female characters temporarily forgoing sexual relationships with their boyfriends for masturbation and they literally went around trying to promote it in their school as an alternative to sex. The show didn't stop there either - each of the girls got off…
@TaumpyTearrs:disqus Amy's character was the worst, though she kind of reminds me of Kirsten Dunst's character in the movie Fifteen and Pregnant, just this stereotypically selfish attention whore who makes the kind of poor decisions that get you pregnant at that age to begin with. In fact, I'd say Amy was probably the…
Ringwald's character did sort of become gay out of nowhere, but I've known some women that have come out very suddenly in their 40's (a friend's mother just recently did this) so I actually just chalked it up to their trying to reflect a reality for older women. Not actually sure how common that is, though.