
Good point.
But I was going with a more tangent thought.
That if someone was to tell you that the person you're with is not your endgame, would you walk away or would you just go on what you have: that you and your love interest are in a good place for now and no matter how the story unfolds you'd like to see it


Your nickname is everything!
Also yes for everything you said

I know I was just being sarcastic since Laurel gets to kick ass of the legendary assassins while Nyssa has to kneel to Malcom Merlyn.
I agree with you. I'm totally glad that Laurel gets to kick ass but the assassins are supposed to be the best warriors in the world and it's a little too soon for her to become so

Or they start having this toxic I Can't With Or Without You break up and make up sex pattern. Oh Dear…

Um I guess the assassins would have killed her had she tried to walk away, but yeah that was my first thought while watching

I must Save the Baby's Soul FELICITY!

Don't you know it's disrespectful to show a woman getting her ass kicked on TV?

They were awesome in the past 2 seasons mostly because they were just good friends with Felicity constantly saying very awkward shit to Oliver like "I'm so happy to have you inside meEAR. MY EAR, on the phone. Obviously." and Oliver just giving her his silent stare he does so well.

I'm just happy to have this season over. I didn't mind this episode so much because this season has been rocky from the start. I'm glad they wrapped up all the story lines so hopefully we don't have to deal with all this mess next season.

No no I was very happy they left that out.
I'll be more than happy to have this explored in detail in the new LoT spinoff. They need to stop using Arrow as a backdrop for other spinoffs.

Yeah what was that about?
I hate what they did to Felicity this season, between the A) Diamonds are a girl's best friend' in the early episodes, B) all the crytalking that came after, C) the "You kidnapped your best friend's wife and tried to kill us all but MARRYING ANOTHER WOMAN is the limit", and D) "Oh you were

That's actually a very good point.
He has a tight plan and knows exactly what he's doing. Team Flash just keep coming off as incredibly naive.

When you recap the past few weeks' events like that it sounds like bad fanfic.
Now I'm reconsidering why I've been defending this season so far.

Are we supposed to believe that Wells fixed the entire particle on his own in order to reactive it?

I love how they didn't walk. They actually ran! Like Rocky and Apollo!

Am I the only one who kept expecting Arrow and Firestorm to high five on their way out?
I get that there was no time for smalltalk or proper closure, but their exit was just ridiculous!

I keep wishing they did the whole love triangle build up earlier in the season.

I recall him wanting the cure for him and Elena but when she offered it to him he said she should keep it.
It's weird that he doesn't wouldn't even think about it because he's the most dangerous by far when he goes off the rails.

Also don't forget the whole guilt trip about them being happy while Stephan kept dying in that safe underwater on a daily basis and being resurrected because Elena <3
I just never understood why the show never let them be!