
She's in a Lifetime movie On Demand right now. Her and Data are the supportive fellow employees of a woman who discovers her lesbianism after developing a major crush on her lesbian boss after separating from her husband.

Man, life is tough out there in Hollywood for actresses over 40.

One thing I took away was both how overrated Tyson was and how under his spell the media was. Ferocious power early, but if you kept with him and actually boxed him, he couldn't go the distance. Didn't hurt him beating up tomato cans, but what great heavyweights did he actually defeat? A 38-year old retired Larry

In that respect he was a bit like Larry Holmes. Great boxer at the right time to dominate the sport, but didn't sync up to have a true rival.

Clearly, Joe Piscopo had no such provision.

Although, I remember reading afterward that according to Bernie's camp he had NOT wanted to support her on the e-mail scandal and instead blame herl, he just completely blew the line, which was supposed to be "We are tired of having to hear about yet another Clinton scandal. We have serious issues to talk about but we


I still listen because I like Bond but I generally don't find they play off each other that well. They're like the anti-Scott and Scott in that way, all their recurring bits are where comedy goes to die. What they need is a guest who's really into and interested in the film, otherwise it can descend into tedium, like

I always thought TLD was 2/3 or 3/5 of a great Bond movie. Up until Bond shoots John Rhys Davies in Tangiers it's excellent. Great plane sequence aside, it really loses the plot when it heads to Afghanistan.

He should have won an Oscar. Or at least been nominated. You're telling me there were five better supporting actors in 2007?

That was an animated special that came out three years after the movie called What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown? that aired on Memorial Day and follows the gang after the events of the movie, as they drive around the French countryside and stop at both Omaha Beach (remembering WWII) and Flanders (remembering WWI),


Billy Ray needs to direct more excellent movies.

Seems mostly like it's Rudy if Rudy died in the end.

Well, they already did that one. Syska tweeted that it's "probably one of the weirdest, dirtiest" episodes they've ever done, so that has to be Octopussy, right?

He was perfect in those roles. Brought enough personality to make an impression with characters that aren't all that deep on the page. That's crucial in action movies like that.

No, Our Taxpayers Will Give You More Money: How The Giants Ended Up in the Meadowlands

Wait, so there was a montage of Sideshow Bob getting Bart pregnant? (That's what that song's about, right?)

Where's Franklin? You can't have one without the other.

I kind of miss the old debate of whether it was worse to be the Red Sox: Winning, getting close and having it stomped out in agonizing fashion, or the Cubs and just perpetually terrible, never getting near the top.