
It's exceedingly possible to tell a documentary about a story without referencing a movie that trod similar ground, and pulling in clips from the movie for this would have been completely awkward. I mean, The 16th Man didn't go out and interview Matt Damon, and the one on the 1980 Soviet Hockey Team wasn't about Kurt

I didn't think it was great, but in listening to commentaries later on the DVD I kind of appreciated their dilemma: Bartlet wasn't ever going to lose (and you knew that), so the real opponent had to be in Bartlet's own head (hence the extended run between Toby and him in S3-S4 about being smart vs being 'just folks').

I felt like Axe was really, really trying to get him to loosen up and be more like Massachusetts Mitt, or a sort of observer and elder statesman, and as time went on Romney got more and more retrenched as Mr. 47% and programmed Presidential candidate. He deflected any sort of open discussion back on the democrats and

Indeed, in the current timeline it was probably more foolish not to nuke the apes.

I can sing!

Nick Meyer had never watched or cared about Star Trek before he got the job directing Wrath of Khan, and he directed the two best Star Trek movies ever made. Given that the final decade of Trek on TV and the TNG movies generally had the problem of the writers boldly going further and further up their own ass, I fail

I swear, could Trek fans who hate the Abrams movies try and use a different metaphor than this? The self-conscious nerdy "We're less popular and different! We're so smart, and he used us to be stupid! He just wanted Star Wars!" is such an unbelievably self-invovled bit of silly stereotyping of someone who, no matter

"The more they overtake the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." He has funny moments in III and VI too as I recall. More to the point, all you really got (or needed) out of the Little Four beyond the Big 3 was for them to show up, get a good line in here or there, and provide background for the Big Three

And then CBS News had to deal with the Reckoning.

We were so close to having a World Series between the Cubs and Red Sox (when the latter were still Cursed) which would have been the most epic World Series of all time. And without Curt Schilling!

I love that the big game in Rookie of the Year was a one game playoff to win the division. In that game, both their #1 starter and unhittable reliever get injured and are out for the rest of the playoffs in that game. Yet somehow they just win the World Series anyway? I can only assume first baseman Neil Flynn turned

Chu got all the attention for his streak and playing in an unorthodox (and, depending on our preference, annoying) way, but Julia came along like a week or two later, and won both more games and more money without nearly as much hype. And then neither of them won the Tournament of Champions, I think.

Yep, when it comes to North Korea, the US was totally the real villain.

Needs more Anthony Michael Hall.

I think he'd not counting the Diamonds comeback. Though 5 films in Connery's day came out in 5 years. Do do 5 Bond films now takes probably about a decade and a half.

Yeah, but it's one that didn't age well even at the time. So it became one of those films that everybody saw but nobody necessarily liked, like Man of Steel or the most recent Star Trek movie.

You guessed it, Frank Stallone?

I still say that there is no Helen, she just represents Leno's id.

Just reading that show's Wikipedia page shows why it bombed. Talk about taking a simple procedural premise and massively over-complicating it with pointless backstory.

Cast Coach Taylor as Bakula and you'll have a hit.