Between introducing us to the Cardassians and showing us for the first time O'Brien could be a fully fledged character, The Wounded is really the closest to the founding document of Deep Space Nine. Making a callback to it in the finale was perfect.
Between introducing us to the Cardassians and showing us for the first time O'Brien could be a fully fledged character, The Wounded is really the closest to the founding document of Deep Space Nine. Making a callback to it in the finale was perfect.
Next time, on Mad Space Nine…
The A.V. Club
"You're fired."
I would say Avery Brooks had excellent access to 20th Century materials, as would pretty much everyone else writing, acting, directing, or producing the show.
She was promoted in the three months between season 6 and 7. Quite possibly in part because no one knew if Sisko was coming back or not, so maybe she needed a promotion to be long term commander of the station.
That wasn't Jadzia. It was Ezri, in her first appearance, saying to him "If it hadn't been for Worf showing up, Jadzia would have totally gone for you." Which, ugh.
Or why the Duras had to go find the Klingon bastard to rule the council, instead of doing it themselves.
Yeah. Sisko's only real use for the holosuite is as a place to either play baseball, or watch other people play baseball.
Sadly, when it came to the ladies, Geordi was never the Captain now.
Yup. My frustration with Ezri isn't on DeBoer, but the writers, who give the character so much time this season but never get beyond an extraordinarily shallow understanding of the character.
I kind of love the idea that the alternate solution is bring in some security officers and do an epic Scorcese-esque montage of hits on all of the mobsters, until Vic is King of Las Vegas.
Any novel that doesn't talk about Geordi's ancestor Toby LaForge is just a missed opportunity.
Yeah, if she didn't get murdered, I still say that relationship ultimately ends in divorce.
I think the height of that is when Ensign Three Boobs, whose only major accomplishment was spilling coffee on Picard, went on to be one of the top engineers in all of Starfleet.
To be fair, as far back as The Die is Cast, we saw his biggest secret was that he still really, really wanted to go back to the link, that all of his supposed idealism and revulsion that they're in charge of The Dominion isn't enough to keep him away. So then the question becomes what keeps him at DS9, and that's his…