
Also, between Gabriel Bell and Benny Russell, Sisko's been immersed in African American history pretty substantially over the seven seasons, and so that would impact his feelings too.

Wow, that sounds like the classic "Hey, remember that guy? He's working with out heroes again and is super important, because he was in an episode one time." If Laas didn't exist, they would have made a character out of one of the rocks on the little island from "The Search."

One thing I like about Chimera is how it challenges Odo's own narrative of his exile. As acutely as Odo feels his alienation and loneliness, he’s also been able to tell himself that he can’t be with his people because they’re the evil, controlling, masters of the Dominion. Laas isn’t any of those things—he's a

Yeah. I totally believed them as a real life long term couple. Despite their marriage, Dax and Worf only ever seemed like fuckbuddies.

Pretty good, but I have to think with the Voyager sets being used, the trailer writers would have implied some kind of epic crossover that never actually happened.

According to the writers, Sisko's skepticism and hostility towards Vic was a response to the viewers not really liking Vic all that much. The idea that Sisko would be that Vic would win over Sisko, and if Sisko could be won over, the audience would be too! Then, in trying to come up with a reason why Sisko wouldn't be

For as much fun as Bashir and O'Brien have on the holodeck, I think the only time the device puts anyone in real danger is Our Man Bashir. DS9 really stayed away from "The holodeck is going to kill us all! Run for our lives!" that TNG and Voyager went to repeatedly.

Next week, on Mad Space Nine…

I'm amazed at how thoroughly unrecognizable Kevin Spacey is as William Hurt there. How hasn't he become one of those perpetual hosts like Hanks or Baldwin? He's absolutely brilliant at SNL.

It glides as softly as a cloud!

Getting caught between the moon and New York City was the best that he could do, yet they made Archer captain anyway.

Still one more than O'Brien got. Thanks again, Ezri!

Someone mashed it up on Youtube. It makes the montage feel very different, certainly more propulsive than the turgid Warren song. It just doesn't synch up with the visuals well at all, but that could be on the person who made this mix. Guessing that the chorus would have synced up with the shuttle/Saturn V liftoff,

You know who did see Geordi's mom? Riker.

I just figured out that the Kazons are essentially "What would happen if we mixed the Klingons with the Pakleds and made them our series' main antagonists?" Brilliant idea, guys.

I always thought "Riker doubles up on the bridge" had a very different meaning…

Stupid treecats need the most attention.

Speaking of Badda Bing elsewhere in this one, I appreciate how no one is ever really in any danger in Move Along Home, because the aliens realize that playing games that could kill you would be a monstrously stupid thing to do.