Indiana is… not linear.
Indiana is… not linear.
The fact that just 11 episodes is 3rd longest all time and caught this much media attention makes Ken Jennings streak all the more impressive.
Ahem: "..and the Doc's holonovel."
It's so weird that each half of the Worf-Troi coupling was first presented with the concept via an alternate universe / hallucination.
Maybe they were confused Voyager fans? "They keep visiting the mess hall, but that delightful Neelix is nowhere to be found? F MINUS!!!"
Yeah. As Zack points out, it's not just that it's a procedural ripoff, it's that it's an incredibly poorly done, crappy procedural ripoff that never gets close to being either dangerous or interesting.
Pretty sure you're thinking of "Eye of the Beholder." The Mind's Eye is the Manchurian Geordi, where even holo-O'Brien must suffer repeatedly.
I don't hate Ressurection. It's inessential, but after Crossover it's the one that probably plays the concept of "There's an alternate universe out there where someone exists that's you, but not you" as straight as they can.
Yeah. Facets just disguises that change by giving us a hella-creepy Avery Brooks performance to make up for it.
Yup. It's hard to get too excited when he has all the difficulty of a Harlem Globetrotters game.
A Trek Murder investigation is always as strong as the person doing the investigation. Spock and Odo? Good times. Troi, Ezri or the Voyager cast? Run away!
To be fair, DS9 would occasionally go to the misleading teaser well. I remember them trying to wring some "Oh no! Space danger!" out of Explorers. But 100% credit for them not going "SEXY LESBIANS" for Rejoined. Wish the writers had done the same thing here.
Also, Troi says "Captain Picard." Meanwhile, unlike Schultz and Sirtis, Patrick Stewart has better things to do.
YES. Shame it's so late in the show though.
According to Memory Alpha, Behr desperately needed an episode so he called up his old partner Robert Hewitt Wolfe and pitched him "Serial Killer on the Station!" as an episode to write freelance. The entire rest of the writing staff was tied up trying either to save Prodigal Daughter or handle Emperor's New Cloak.…
I don't think you're in the minority at all, but the pro-Ezri minority is very loud.
I posted that theory several seasons back when it came up: That Vic Fontaine is an alias for Mirror Felix, who without holoprograms to write instead came up with elaborate multiple identities for various illicit purposes. But I think my favorite came from the JR Watches Star Trek guys, who posited that regular Vic…
The closest Voyager gets to Mirror Universe are the alt-Voyagers from the historians of "Living Witness" (possibly their best episode) and the Doc's holonovel. They were fine, but mostly for everyone making jokes about how not-different Evil Janeway is from Regular Janeway.
At least with Valiant there was SOMETHING good that week. Melora had "Cardassians." Meridian had "ATTENTION BAJORAN WORKERS!" "The Muse" had "Shattered Mirror" which was at least tolerable for a Mirror outing. "Let He Who is Without Sin…" got "Things Past." I think you may have to all the way back to "The Passenger" /…