The Guy Who Points Things Out

Now I certainly feel like a giant asshole for enjoying nearly every record and mixtape you mentioned.

Shaddap, Updike!

I have enough faith in the brilliance of the Arrested Development team for them to condense the formula well enough to make an awesome movie. I -do- think it will work, and I think -this- assclown should get on board.

He's being typecast because he's EXTREMELY LIMITED as an actor.

Take the thing that made you a star and earned you a cult of devoted fans, and you know, piss on it a little. Just a little. Just a small enough amount to say "Oh, no, I wasn't pissing on it. It made me who I am."

It is a mathematical impossibility that there is not at least -3- Sun Ra records any one person would love, if only they heard them.

I'm just saying, I'm beginning to suspect our friend "Nathan" is white, or something.

So, the Hip-Hop guy doesn't like jazz. Or poetry.

I find myself strangely compelled to agree with you, Lord Hypnotoad.

John Saxon : Poetry in motion.

I am… inordinately proud of myself. And sad that Ace is still getting slept on.

I think if he doesn't branch out from this niche he's worked himself into, he's gonna have big problems when this "indie" fad that's going on passes.

Michael Cera
So is he just gonna be in everything now or what.

Jeff Penalty
Also sang in "Black Fag"

True dat sen

I still do not understand how Lil' Wayne went from a punchline to "best rapper alive" in 8 years.

yes, you should never smoke garbage marijuana

blacks and the crackers, the police and their backers, they're all political actors!

so excited!

You alright, toaster. You allllright.