
Hi Violetta. I just wanted to chime in here because the behaviour you describe sounds like something that urgently needs to be counteracted by you, your family and everyone else in your sister's life who can provide perspective on normal, reasonable behaviour. The fiance may just be a prick who acts out when stressed

Yeah, right, the guy in the $13,900 Gucci ostrich-skin jacket is going to hold the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in six months… COME ON!

One dog looks east and one dog looks west. So what?

One dog looks east and one dog looks west. So what?

What, no love for Husker Du?

What, no love for Husker Du?

If they ever take a crack at turning Vertigo's Preacher into a big (or small) screen project, this man could very well make the ideal Sherriff Hugo Root…

If they ever take a crack at turning Vertigo's Preacher into a big (or small) screen project, this man could very well make the ideal Sherriff Hugo Root…

Time to comment on the message board. Cajun-style…

I think of crime when I'm in a New York State of Mind. What do you think of when suffering from Cancer Aids?

In Soviet Russia, generalizations avoid YOU!

You want a sequel? I can get you a sequel, Dude. There are ways, believe me. I Can you a sequel by [checks watch] 2pm. With reprised starring roles.

The Big Lebowski 2: Liam's Story?

This sounds an awful lot like Legend of a Suicide Redux…
… traumatic suicide overshadowing the main plot, wilderness setting, growing resentment between family members, relentlessly bleak tone. I enjoyed the sheer bloody-mindedness of LOAS (and it took on an interesting psychological complexity once I'd read about

I've got to go with Making a Stand - after what felt like a show going off the rails at the start of Season 3, this episode just seemed like a great return to form: dense layering of jokes, focus back squarely on the Bluths rather than external cast members and the incredible, manic repitition of the 'And that's why

Axe Cop is also very reminiscent of Chris Williams' admirably mental series 'Big Meaty Chunks:

Yeah, without knowing your other cultural genre predilictions this isn't overly easy. However to give you a range of good stuff:

Good call, Bill. Just checked out Axe Cop and can confirm that it's awesomeness knows no bounds.

The ellipsis - always a classic firstie. Also, this sounds quite good (the book that is).