
So does this mean we might some day see Animal Man in the Arrowverse? Or any verse?

Once again, The AV goes out of its way to point out that I have horrible taste in music. I liked "Midnite Vultures".

I don't know if this technically about losing one's virginity, but my favorite is "Romeo Had Juliette" by Lou Reed off the New York album. I've never heard a more powerful sex-as-youth metaphor.
"Her perfume burned his eyes
Clinging tightly to her thighs
And something flickeredf for a minute
And then it vanished and was

Forgive me if someone has already mentioned this, but I wasn't about to plow through 1,000 comments on the boss' dime.
Being both a Tolkien fan and a maudlin S.O.B., I always found the last scene of "The Return of the King" (the book, not the movie), to be a beautiful, understated reminder that with each goodbye, we

parody 1.a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing.

World War Z
Please don't tell me I have to wait another year for the best book in the history of everything is made into the best movie in the history of history.

Am I the only one who hopes Pam loses the baby in some off-beat, wacky way?
Maybe Michael will cause the miscarriage. That would be hilarious.

World War Z
Forgive me if this has been addressed previously, but isn't the film version of World War Z supposed to come out in 2010? If so, that is the most anticipated entertainment event of my lifetime. Please Santa/God. I didn't get anything anything I wanted for Christmas. Please give me the Battle of Yonkers in