configuration of electrons

Pretty much every Muslim I've met drinks alcohol and smokes but draws the line at pork, so now I'm wondering if they're weak willed or just you.

Goodbye Genevieve, I raise a glass of clown vomit in your honor! Na zdrowie!

Along with many other commentators here, I first became aware of the AVC by clicking on a MYOF links at the bottom of the Onion (I seem to remember the second article I read was a Taste Test, making my feelings on Friday go from 'Oh shit, Tasha now?' to something akin to watching Oogiloves whilst being force fed a

I believe the full quote was "Hello Moosefuckers, you know the problem with this country is half of you speak French and the other half let them" *SMACK*

Plus they were stealing projectors.

Hopefully New Chicago Based Movie Thing won't be limited to *good* movies

I always pictured him as Ian Holm!

Only if you can score some cake.

Americans doing British accents sound fucking terrible. They either go for some incredibly camp version of what they think upper class people sound like, or 'cockney,' which seems to consist of every working class regional dialect jammed together, plus Australian.

I'd reccomend skipping Equal Rites, which is third and probably the weakest in the series, and going straight to Mort, which is the first really great one.

Great MacGowan lyrics:

Sounds good, having recently moved to Vancouver, I will have to check them out! Thanks for the reccomendation.

At least we're all better than the 'we grew up with free education and near full employment so we enjoyed our youths then spent 50 odd years banging on about it' genereation.

Scientology: self-help bullshit elevated to religion. Plus aliens 'n' shit.

Agreed, anyone who is quiet, works better alone or prefers to socialise in small groups gets told they have a personality disorder (not that that's what autism is, but it's how its often misconcieved), whereas being a self-promoting loudmouth is held up as an ideal. Modern society seems to suffer from this wierd

'Local' Man makes referencing error

'Local' Man makes referencing error

Just think of the money Nike's paying for me to wear this shirt.

Just think of the money Nike's paying for me to wear this shirt.

Throughout the Bush era my parents kept going on about how they stopped unjust wars by listening to pop music.